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If your after a great affordable deal, you will find this pack in our BUNDLE DEAL -saving you 50%off - A little naturalist Bundle pack 


Here at BarefootChild we believe strongly in entwining Nature into children’s educations and getting children outside, observing and learning alongside a force as wild as they are!

and our spring nature journal was created for just that !


This pack contains pages to help kids observe their natural environments,from keeping track of weather and temperatures researching and learning about animals and plants they choose! Observing and reporting their bird watching,collecting and observing nature specimens,learning about lifecycles of various animals and much more!


Like all our printables we try to create them practical and easily adaptable for everyone- no matter what part of the world your from, you should be able to incorporate our nature journal pack into any natural environment, there is no strict way to use it, you can easily mould it into your existing studies and journals, we have added diy question and answer sheets for you to create your own questions using our nature information to suit your individual children/different ages :)



We have created this pack to be able to be used by different aged children, the lessons are created by their own individual observations and curiosities. Use google search/web browser and/or books to help further their investigations on the reporting sheets!


Whats included in this 50+ page pack


-journal front page cover

-journal second page cover/for name with quote

-1x weekly nature observation page(double print as needed for weekly use)

-1x weekly recap page to add a photo and brief description of you amongst nature (double print as needed for weekly use)

-nature visual observation page (this is for your child to sketch what they are seeing in nature) (this page can be printed as often as needed)

-1x specimen observation report- this is for your child to collect nature specimens/finds on their nature walks and to observe and report a great way to START A NATURE SHELF(this page can be printed as often as required)

-1x bird watching observation report- get your child bird watching, use google search or a book on birds to research and answer the questions (this page can be printed as often as required)

-1x animal in the spotlight report page - get your child to pick any animal they choose, research using google web or a book and fill in the questions on that animal ( this page can be printed as often as needed)

-1x environment report observation page - this page is for your child to head outdoors and report on what they observe in any environment (garden,forest,beach,ect) - print as often as required

-1x plant observation page - get your child observing and reporting the plants they see around them,use google search or a book on plants to answer the questions (print this page as often as you require)

-4x nature learning quote journal page fillers

-1x things that happen in spring poster/journal filler page

-1xtree budding information poster/journal filler page

-1x life cycle of a tree poster/journal filler page

1x tree fact poster/journal filler page

-1x reproduction in plants information poster/journal page filler

-1x common plants collection poster

1x photosynthesis information poster/journal page filler

1x flower structure information poster/journal page filler

1x types of leaves information poster/journal filler

1x anatomy of a simple leaf poster

1x anatomy of a compound leave poster


2x simple and compound leaf pages for your child to sticky tape the leaves the find for their journal


Various lifecycle posters and information on a few insects including ,bees,frog,snail,spider,praying mantis

some include activities.

-1x metamorphosis information poster/journal page filler

1x plants and their parts poster

1x hibernation information poster/journal page filler

1x hibernation report page( get your child to pick a animal that hibernates use google search or a book and fill in the questions)- print as often as required

1x look what i found specimen page( stickytape specimen your child found to it, for there nature journal)

1x notes page-this page is blank and for whenever your child needs to take noted

1x my nature poem page (these pages are blank and for when your child wants to create poems inspired by nature


3x DIY QUESTION SHEETS- we have added 3 different style questions sheets for YOU to CREATE YOUR OWN questions, using any of our information poster, flashcards or anything else you and your child have done- these are great so you can tailor the learning experience for different age children,and continue to further your nature journaling.

1x weekly weather report - get your child to mark the weather and temp each day, we have also included a little drawing activity to this - print these page sas required for weekly use



-we have included some flashcards of some lifecycles

-some lifecycle puzzles

- our we are gatherers poem poster/journal page filler

-spring time to do list

-some posters

and colouring pages also!!



This pack is to be printed on A4 size paper! double print observation pages as needed- daily, weekly, monthly or whenever you choose, as some tasks can be as often as your child likes - you can choose to get your journal binded,add to a plastic sleeve portfolio or punch holes and add string or staple to create your journal book

Nature journal - Spring

$11.99 Regular Price
$9.00Sale Price


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