i want to unschooling where do i start?
It doesn't take much to Unschool,Follow these three easy steps , - to get you on your way

Children learn from anything and everything they see. They learn wherever they are, not just in special learning places. - John Holt
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John Holt's - is regarded as the father of unschooling ,
he coined the idea in the 1970'sbased on his observations
How Children Fail and How Children Learn, are the most
successful of his nine books, & are among the
best-selling education books ever.
Peter Gray's offers insight into how children learned
before modern times, and how they still do learn in tribal cultures today
. He argues that what looks like “just” pretend play to adults is actually
the best kind of learning for children.He also shares
stories about children who attend(ed) the Sudbury school
in Massachusetts, an “unschooling school”
where children are free to study whatever
they like with the support of school employees.
His book Free to Learn
Rachel Rainbolt writes , about a natural learning path,
for gentle parents who dream of living fully in joy and connection with their
children while giving them all they need to be successful,
with eight secrets to living a fulfilling unschooling life.
In her book Sage Homeschooling wild & free
Kerry McDonald is a unschooler of her 4 daughters .
she a master’s degree in education from Harvard, she is an
education policy writer who has
published articles in several respected newspapers
, magazines, and journals.
-her book Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children
Outside the Conventional Classroom
The Unschooling Unmanual -
Through engaging personal stories and essays,
eight writers offer inspiration and encouragement for both
seasoned and prospective unschoolers.edited by Jan and Jason hunt
There is also many online unschooling blogs and websites out there to follow that have great unschooling resources - Have you checked out our unschooling resources pages and our blog as unschoolers ?
If you have a unschooling website/blog & you would like to advertise please get in touch
Next you might want to research your states/ countries homeschool requirements
( unschooling/ natural learning ) is a acceptable learning pedagogy as a parent you are allowed to follow any learning philosophy you choose but you will have to meet your home education guidelines of your state / country . If you are a Australia family looking to unschool check out our homeschool registration guides
Next its great to research and find out about :
local homeschooling and dedicated unschooling groups in your area,or online for great advice and support
check out these great unschooling support groups for all over the world at unschoolingmum2mum
most states education / home school websites have great links to homeschooling communities
and dont forget to check out social media unschooling groups
if you are still unsure what unschooling is about then Gather enough information
until it makes you feel confident enough, by research

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Once you have decided that Unschooling is right for you and your family its time to commit !
apply and register with your state / countries home school education unit ,so you can legally unschool at home and pull your child out of the public school system
commit and tell the kids ,friends and family about your new unschooling plans ! - this can seem like the most daunting
set up a space in your home full of resources for your child to explore -
arts/crafts, books, computer, other resources you plan on using (this can be as simple as putting them in storage cubes easily assessable for your child)


Once you have completed the following steps and you are now starting your unschooling journey its time to embrace your new lifestyle
Most families who begin to unschool or even homeschool, who have had their child attend " formal education at a school" start by De-schooling first, - its a time to sit back and allow your child to reconnect with the love of learning again by doing the things they find of interest and by not having to " learn" something that has been thrown their way by means of textbooks and lessons . You will begin to discover how your child operates in the sense of how they "learn "and what they are curious about, its great to embrace the new beginning to a simpler way of living and learning.A new lifestyle not only for your child but as a family unit . Its as simply as allowing your child to learn from everyday living (life lessons) that come their way and from them following things they have of interests (gamming,arts,music,)
"its time to embrace that learning comes naturally,and the need to learn is naturally within "
-maybe its time to go on that vacation you have been dreaming of , ?
remember its as easy as writing down or taking some snap shots of what your child has asked,learned,or done for the day for your homeschooling records no matter where you are.