Barefoot parenting is a combination of many natural parenting methods combined.
It is about stripping away how we think we should be raising a child, to how mother nature intend. Barefoot parents see their child for the mind body and soul that they are and embrace their free spirits .They let their child discover their own learning boundaries through natural child - led curiosity and unstructured play.
Barefoot parents do not measure or try to guide their childs development, they do not try to push a child to hit a milestone for which they might not be developmentally ready just because thats what parenting books suggest .
They support, rather than guide and they lend a hand when such help is requested
and needed. They do not believe in controlling and taking away the fun of play but rather to enjoy their child; letting them be free to be wild, without letting others judgements get in the way.They do not see their child as a project, in which they must mold into perfection" - but rather they embrace and see their individuality.Barefoot parents embrace parenthood right from beginning, They feel Intune with knowing their childs wants and needs by using motherly instinct and not following other " main stream parenting advice they have "read" .Barefoot parents see themselves as equal to their children in the sense of respect, communication and values. They immerse there child with love of a natural quality of living and embrace a life full of simplicity .Their children can be seen immersed with un structed natural -open ended roleplay with children of different ages were they are free to explore,and test their limits, children are welcomed to learn and engage in essentially life skills by their parents . Barefoot parenting is the most natural and least stressful form of parenting, for both parent and child. - it is all about trustful parenting , not about parenting how others think you should. Its about valuing children’s autonomy. .Barefoot parenting is very similar and has the same values of raising good mindful kids ,that many hunter - gatherer communities through out the world live by to this day.Its similarity also reflects the millennia-old methods that were the way our ancestries parented

We take a combination of parenting principles from other well known natural parenting methods combined them together to raise a BarefootChild - raising children the way mother earth intend
free range parenting
the parent trust the child, and encourages them to explore their environment
children are free to challenge themselves out in the world
teach age appropriate skills
children are taught to experience natural consequences
unstructured free play
encouraged to join into family decision making
outside play with nature / natural open ended play
embraces the childs wild side

respectful parenting
believes in using gentle discipline
encourages positive reinforcement
listens to intuition when attending to childs needs rather then what
"mainstream dictate"
birth bonding
natural childbirth
extended breastfeeding
close contact/togetherness in first few years
baby wearing
does not let baby self soothe
safe bed sharing / co - sleeping

unschooling /
natural learning
the parent trusts the child to learn at their own pace , through their curiosity and everyday living
the child is given the freedom to explore their individual interests
the child does not go to school or do "school like "work at home
the child participates in life skills

waldorf stiener
learn & play
believes children learn as they play
encourages organic
handmade open ended toys or materials, - like waldorf toys,in playrooms
engages children to play amongst different age groups
Nurturing imagination, creativity and practical life skills within the child using quality eco supplies
allows children to play outside in all weather, as they see nature as a strong learning value .
minimise young kids exposure to technology

new bohemian parenting
the childs embraces free spirit
parents nourish their childs individualism and artistic styles
does not believe wealth, reputation nor material possession are important in life but rather teach their child the importance of a natural quality of life
believes in natural child rearing ,
extended breastfeeding
cloth nappies,organic clothing,natural products,wooden eco friendly toys
Bohemian parents have a respect for the environment and a anti-establishment belief which they teach their children
embrace the childs wild side