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Is Home- schooling in Australia legal? How do I start ?
Yes ! Home- schooling in every state or territory in Australia is 100% legal, as long as you apply for registration and get approval beforehand from your state / or territory, To get started , check out our Home-School in Australia registration guide
Do i need to have qualifications to home-school my child?
Absolutely not, anyone who is the child's parent/ guardian can home-school, every state governments acknowledge that parents know best when it comes to their child and are their child's best educators.You do not need to have qualifications, a course our even finish school yourself, look at me I didn't even finish year 9.
what is home- schooling?
Home-schooling means, you educate your child at home and be their teacher, the child does not attend a school.Although some states do allow part time enrolments in school/ home-school the other times.Home- schooling does not mean school - like at home, your child does not need to sit at a desk , follow pre made curriculums or even learn 6 hours a day like traditional schools
What style of Home- Schooling is there to choose?
How you choose to educate your child is up to you, as long as you cover the required subjects for your states requirements (maths, English, science etc ) some educational styles/philosophy's include :
How many families home - school in Australia ?
in 2019 there were over 30,000 families , since covd every sate has seen record high registration applications including NSW and south Australia
will my child be able to attend university or get a higher degree if they are home - schooled?
what about socialism? how will my child make friends
This is a common question and concern for new home- schooling parents.home- schooling doe not mean your child never leaves the house or talks to other children. Nothing could be further from the truth! Homeschoolers are highly active, and share excursions,classes, events, playdates and sporting activities, just like kids at school do, in fact they often end up doing much more, and mix in different age groups, which has some amazing benefits for younger and older kids.
How much does Home- school cost?
To register with your state it is free, some families decide to create their own learning plans, which costs nothing, while other families decide to buy a pre made curriculum. There is alot of free resources out there and alot of tailored curriculums to fit all budgets , you then have cost like books, pencils,printer ink ect. I home school ( natural/unschool ) - created my own learning plans for my 3 kids for free, i spend about $100 a year - on printer ink -art supplies, and plastic sleeve folders, everything my children learn is from nature and living , eg cooking, surfing the web,nature, excursions.the list of free resources is never ending, the internet is filled with lots of free pintables, classes, youtube how to videos! So the price really depends on your family, the style of education you choose to use and of course your budget
do you get paid to home- school ?
No you do not , if you receive Centrelink benefits you are exempt from your mutual obligations ( you do not need to look for work ) if you are a registered home-schooler, if you meet the eligible requirements for home-schooling you may get payments for isolated children scheme .
do i have to register my child for home- school registration?
If your child has ever been in a previous school they will be on a systemin that state, if you stop sending your child to school to home- school under the radar - authorities will be notified and questions asked. That being said there is alot of families who fly under the radar for home-schooling as moving interstate, or never enrolling thier child in a school in the first place
can i travel and home- school
some states allow this , if you have a permanent address and plan on returning like TAS - and some states do not like NSW - ( if you do not mention you are travelling to the education department it should be fine, the best thing to do is check you states home-schooling requirements.
more helpful Australian Home - schooling sites:
Homeschooling in Australia - The Ultimate Guide (Updated for 2022) (fearlesshomeschool.com)
Australian Homeschooling Programs by Curriculum (myhomeschool.com)