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OUR Australian pack is packed filled with  pages of Australia information,history ,facts and how Australia created its  flags.There is information  about the aboriginals of Australia, Australian animal flash cards and facts , aswell as lots of activities and worksheets (also 2 spare worksheets where you will be able to create your own questions  to suit multiple ages)

WE HAVE ALSO INCLUDED QR CODES on some of our Australian information pages to help teach your child more about the subject through video 

To be printed on a4 paper , posters and flashcards look best printed on thick card stock or laminated 😃

WE HAVE ALSO INCLUDE OUR toddler australian animal flash cards, and A-Z australia matching pack to this listing FOR FREE -  to help with multy age children  families :)


Whats included


6x diffrent australian animal info sheets
-sugar glider
-tasmania devil

-3x skip counting worksheets activity ( help the boat reach Australia ) 2,5 and 10s
-1x small to biggest sequencing cut and paste worksheet activity
-1x finish the pattern worksheet activity
-1x australian flag - cut out and put together PUZZLE
-1x Australia aboriginal flag cut out and put together PUZZLE
- 1 x match the native animal body part to the correct animal cut and paste activity
-2 x colouring ins -  boomerangs and australia flag colouring in worksheets
-2x australia money ordering worksheet activities ( smallest to largest ) 
-2x pages of australian money flash cards to cut out ( comes with QR code to learn more about the australian dollar via video )
-1 x count Australian money and add it together | maths worksheet
-6x draw the native australian animals habitats | STEM - worksheets
- 1X australia animal INFORMATION SHEET with QR code
-1x australia government INFORMATION sheet
-1x draw australia activity sheet
-2x paint the animals using dot art just like the australian aboriginal activity worksheet
-1x australia maze challenge activity sheet ( help the plane reach australia )
-2 x australia aboriginal INFORMATION sheet with QR code

1x count the australia animal activity worksheet

-capital cities of australia
- Australian states and their land are measurement
-1x lets take a closer look at australia INFORMATION sheet with QR code to vide about Australia
-1 x question WORKSHEET with 1x BLANK WORKSHEET for you to write your own questions using our information resources ( great for tailoring for different childrens ages ) - print multiple times for  you to have  multiple question sheets to create questions on
-1x word scramble activity worksheet - unscramle the animals names
-1x label each state of australia WORKSHEET
-1x colour each country and circle australia worksheet (great for  identifying australia on the world map )
-1x australia flag INFORMATION sheet 
-1x australia flag WORKSHEET
-1x australia population by state INFORMATION SHEET

-1 x destination australia INFORMATION SHEET ( facts)
-1x name and colour the asutralia animal activity worksheet
-1x research and draw the australian famous landmark WORKSHEET

-another question sheet ( different style with a bonus BLANK worksheet for you to tailor and create your own questions )


8x mini Australian landmark and name matching flash card activity 
8x mini clip the correct letter flash cards 
26 match the Ausie alphabet images to their alphabet letter flash cards
1x letter A learning worksheet

Australia learning unit

4,35AU$ Precio
$3.27Precio de oferta


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