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  • Unschooling and trust

    When it comes to raising our children without school, without rules in place and without guided lessons, can we trust them enough to find there own learning path, to make good decisions and to become responsible young adults? When my children became school aged I sent them of to school just like I was taught- as soon as they started public school it just did not feel right, How can I be the parent I want to be, live the life I wanted for my children, filled with adventure and exploration if this was now how our life's where mapped out for us.- I began to question why, after I spent my own childhood attending public school, now as a adult to realise I have not needed any of it in todays world. I have taught myself everything I have needed to learn through research and curiosity. The question on my mind was Will that be enough for my children as well, can I trust them to learn all they need through their own curiosities on this unschooling journey? 3 UNSCHOOLing YEARS LATER.. If it is one thing I have learnt is that children do deserve our TRUST If you are a new unschooling parent , this takes time, its a crazy notion we where all born into a society that creates a barrier in our beliefs that children can not be trusted and that they are not capable of responsible decision making. Once you accept that this isn't the case.Unschooling will become the best decision you ever made for your family. Trust will not be a over night thing. Once you deschool yourself and stop trying to force learning.Your child will begin in believing they are cable of their own path. They will find things they are curious about and begin to " teach" themselves. They will discover independence and trust you will help guide them with their curiosities if they need. Unschooling and trust works 2 ways, its not just you as the parent who has to learn to trust- it is also your child. Once you start unschooling , more trust between you and your child begin to develop ONE Your child will become to TRUST trust - in themselves, that they are more clever then they ever thought possible, they will begin to realise they do not need to be told how to learn something, they do not need to be graded or have expectations because they begin to learn for the love of it and not to learn to pass a test or receive points. trust-they have100 % of their parents support and patience. Your child will begin to realise that you trust them enough and believe in them enough to follow their interests. You will begin to notice over time how much your child confines in you, asks more questions and the conversations yous develop are more real then ever before. Your child begins to trust you see them as a cable young adult and not as a small child trust- they will be allowed to follow things they find interesting (even if it is video games)- When you are completely onboard with the unschooling path and you do allow your child to do WHAT they want and not what you think they should be doing "learning"- Your child will begin to trust ,that no matter what they find interesting or whatever their curiosity may lead them you support them (because by doing this you are creating a motivated learner, passion leads to exploration, discovery and further knowledge- they may look like they are just playing video games, but Remember everything turns into learning- half a year they may be interested in video games and the next they are interested in cooking. trust- they will not be forced into learning (just like school)- Once you stop believing that learning can only happen by being forced , with curriculums, worksheets and what you think "learning" looks like - your child can begin to naturally learn, they will begin to trust you believe in them enough to not force their learning and trust in their natural learning ability trust- they are in fact cable and independent !! Two Unschooling teaches you as a parent to also TRUST trust- your child will learn when the time is right, maybe not " when others who attend school do, but when they are naturally ready"- just remember some kids may learn to write at 6 some at 8 or some at 12, there is no rush to learning. trust- your child will learn all that THEY require, -your child may not remember calculus they are taught at school because it has no real value in their daily lifes, but just know what they need in their lifes today,tomorrow or 10 years for now, they will LEARN themselves trust- that over time your child will become responsible and independent, filled with alot of different knowledge as they have been allowed the time to pursue their own interests trust- that the education system(school) is not needed and that your child , just like every child was born naturally curious and with the ability to learn from their environment, just as they did when they learnt to walk and talk as toddlers. trust - that the bond between child and parent who trust each other lasts a lifetime Unschooling just like alot of things, takes time but only works by one simple thing and that is TRUST As john holt states: To trust children we must first learn to trust ourselves .-and most of us were taught as children that we could not be trusted.

  • How we teach maths naturally

    One of the most common issues surrounding unschooling is people just do not understand how a child who is unschooled could learn maths! It seems such a crazy thing to think a child can naturally come to experience maths out here in the real world , without the need for a school or workbooks and Without forced lessons and piles of worksheets, but the truth is yes! simple maths comes so naturally to children,just like learning to walk or talk as a toddler did. Maths is everywhere out here and its unavoidable . Natural learning can not be rushed, its happening without you knowing and it will happen, if not straight away- then when your child feels they need it. Will there be gaps in their maths? YES -but that does not matter because it is irrelevant in their lives , most students who go to school, do not use Geometry, Algebra ,Trigonometry, Pre-Calc, Calculus, pi or any of those other so called "important" maths lessons forced by teachers in their adult lives anyway and if your child does for some reason need or even want to learn it, then just trust in them that they will learn all the maths they require -guided by their curiosity.You need to remind yourself exactly how much of all that maths we were taught in the over a decade of our school life's ,that we actually use today in this advancing society. My Unschooling children I like to think are quite good at maths for a 10, almost 9 and a 7 year old ..We have learnt maths so simple, so natural and free. They have never read a textbook, done any online maths apps/lessons or any maths worksheets ,yet over the last 3 years they all have learnt their small additions and large additions 1030+200+30 etc , 2x, 5x and 10x tables, 10% & 50% ,divided by 2's ,ml,cup,time,cm,m and money skills and are beginning to pick up on other maths concepts ! the way they have learnt this is from 2 ways As mentioned in my previous post Top 4 free unschooling methods we use to teach , we use conversations and daily life as the way to teach my children and maths is no exception,this is the only way we have done it since we started our unschooling journey. Down below explains how each work for our maths. 1) mental maths (conversations) (mental maths means mathematical calculation that is performed mentally, without the aid of a calculator, abacus , pen and paper or textbook ) So every now and then if I get one on one time with one of my children(say my youngest is sitting with me at the beach, while my eldest 2 are running around climbing sand dunes and it feels like a good time to naturally discuss "maths" - meaning he is not preoccupied with something else and he has some spare time - I will ask if he wants to learn "more" maths as we call it. -this mental maths session usually lasts no longer then 5 minutes, and happens on occasions (about 5 times a month) To do this I always start with explaining it simpler, for instance if we are learning 2x tables, when I start saying 2 times ,I will remind them that 2 x means " double" when we were learning divide by 2s I, would remind them it means "half" just like 50%, for 10% we say take away a zero or add a decimal. eg 10% of 50 (minus the zero you have 5) 10% of 55 (add a decimal and you have 5.5) we always finding a simpler way for them to remember - I always start of with saying even numbers for the first few months or until I know they understand - like what is 10% of 88 , 50% of 240 etc- once they have learnt the easier side of it we will advance to odds and harder ones. I only ever teach what I think is relevant or what they have asked about like percentages as they noticed the shop sale tags and asked about it , Will we learn 3,4 6,8 time tables? I must admit ,I do not know them as I forgot from school,(actually I just never paid attention as school wasnt for me) have I ever needed them in my adult life? NO. if I need them I have a phone calculator. So I will not teach them this, if they need it for some reason or want to learn them- then we will learn together. That is what natural learning is about, its about learning what is needed for the now, what is relevant for daily life and learning in the moment if the time comes. It really doesn't take long for them to click on and begin to understand these maths concepts. They begin understanding that you add 32+14 by adding the 4+2 side first then the 1+3 side so right to left and they remind themselves with this for minus's and their larger 2 x tables, etc , sometimes they just surprise me because they understand so well. these are my favourite 3 tips for mental maths 1) Soon as they start showing a lose of interest I will change the subject right away- and forget that math lesson 2) Be silly and make it fun with jokes, and enthusiasm ( by making them laugh and thinking of it as more fun games then a maths lessons) IT ALWAYS WORKS. - if I had 50 cupcakes and I ate them all up to my self and I was still hungry so I brought another 120 how many cupcakes would be in my now big belly 3) Funny praises with lots of enthusiasm to make them enjoy it - like omg I cant believe you got that answer right,you have the biggest smartest brain ever - or omg how did you know that are you reading my mind or my youngest sons favourite, I will sing -(you are a genius, genius, genius ). (yes if you have ever watched Mr deeds) slideshow & 2) Daily Living As well as these short bursts of mental maths lessons, they learn maths from daily living , they use maths all the time without thinking about it, maths is unavoidable and it is everywhere, your children will sink it in. This is some ways we use maths through out daily life and gradually the kids have naturally learn "maths concepts" Asking them to check the clock and over time discussed ( am/pm , 24hr in a day, quarter pass,half past, quarter to,clock goes up by 5's(5xtables) ) baking cakes/making food and reading measurements on packaging themselves with help if required (discussed how many ml in a cup, tsp,tbsp ,set oven timer,( 60sec = a min) 60mins=1hr) set microwave/blender, volume,fractions,observing temp,heat,read kitchen scale- discuss gram/kg tell them share the food/drink evenly between them (discuss halves/quarters/ratios, adding and dividing by) shopping and having a allowance, (discuss about money,100c = $1,adding,subtracting ,percentages,cost of living,budgeting) playing Roblox games, fortnite and other games they download on their phones (adding,measurments,percentage,distance,timestables,subtracting,coding) A few other natural maths we have came by using tools and appliances , set stop watches when they are doing workouts/timing each other on xbox,building toys-lego,blocks,diy and science ones, use the measuring tape when they are building and tinkering, going metal detecting,asking how to use the calculator on their phones ,reading weather reports,counting things out in nature ,reading signs around them, writing lists ,counting various things ,doing art and craft ,going golfing ,hiking ,fishing/sorting out tackle,helping in house renovations and playing games together to name a few. Some maths problems are coming up each day and they are figuring it out, they are learning new strategies and each day is teaching so much naturally. Its so surprising as they have just absorb so much maths from their environment and doing things they find interesting, and I'm not even aware some times. My youngest son I remember when my son he was 6 at the time , he was counting all his 10 cent coins by his 10s timetables he got to 100c and said okay 100c is $1 and started over again, when he got to the end he counting his piles, it was amazing as I had no idea he knew his 10 times tables nor that he knew 100c = $1 .He just figured it out and learnt it himself. These are the only 2 ways we learn maths in our household and they work so well. Arbitrary problems with no real connection to our child's lives aren’t going to cut it. The brain does not store what it considers unimportant pieces of information... unless it’s actually used. So when my unschooled kids are using natural math- it’s useful to them. And so their brains remember the concepts more, then as if the where in a traditional school.

  • Top 4 free unschooling methods we use to teach

    When we started this Unschooling journey 3 years ago I was not sure on what I should have for my children to learn, should I go out and buy all the best books and have read outlouds with them ,should I create all those beautiful nature tables or small world play tables , I see on Pinterest , should I set up invitations to play or unit studies for them and what about tinker stations and makerspaces I need to set up areas like that, otherwise how else will my children "learn" ? Thats what i thought ! and oh was I silly. Yes they look beautiful and you feel envy when you see them all over social media, but the fact is you do not need any of that. Natural learning is all about your child's OWN curiosity, not what you try put in front of them. This list is my top 4 free unschooling methods that i use to teach my children, it works well for my family, my children have learnt so much already on this unschooling journey because of them. We embrace unschooling how it truly is - natural, spontaneous, in the moment learning! 1) Top of the list is Conversations Talking with children as if they are young adults and not small children, I think is one of the greatest natural learning resources there is. By answering their questions truthly and with patience is teaching them so much. By included them in your conversations and asking them questions. By laughing, by joking and by being silly with them. By choosing to listen and to see them as smart growing young adults is one of the greatest things a parent or unschooler can do. Since unschooling my children have become confident in confiding with me, if they have any questions or problems they will come straight over to seek my knowledge. We are always having deep conversations and they are shown the same respect in our conversations as if they were young adults. Unschooling and enjoying our new life by always being together has made us a tight family unit. If we are out and about my children will ask questions, if we are on a adventure amongst nature my children will ask questions, if we are at home my children will ask questions, all these questions turn into great conversations, where they feel as though they belong, they are listen to, they are appreciated and they are heard. My children have gain a lot of learning just by our conversations alone. 2) Next on the list is Daily life A lot of people are confused with what daily life actually means in a unschooling family. It simply means , whatever is going on that day, you do not have to have it planned out. Your children are learning something one way or another. (simply just think of say a weekend) Why ? because when its the weekend you are not thinking of acting like your child should be at school, you do not try to make them "learn" or think they should be learning something, you are simply going about whatever needs to be done for the day. If that means going to the shops , or maybe a day at the park or maybe a lazy day at home , then so be it. Your child learns from the environment they are in - at the shops there are signs and tags to be read, products to be calculated, subtracted and weighed, they are money handling ,budgeting and learning about food and harvesting. You might not see them "learning" - , but I assure you they are quietly learning and it keeps adding to their knowledge the more they go, the more they remember and the more they ask. At the park their researching, analysing, communicating, and making decisions, all of this is moulding them .They observe others and explore new concepts. They challenge themselves. At home the learning opportunities are waiting to be explored if you have read our unschooling classroom post you will notice that your home is a perfect unschooling/natural learning space for your child. Remember everyday something different is going on ,things pop up, schedules change, your child one day at home may be learning about cool science facts on YouTube and the next day they may be learning about fractions while baking. One way or another no matter what is happening in your daily life today- your child is absorbing new skills. 3) Our next top resources is WIFI I have discussed a lot about WIFI on my blog , and that is because everything and anything your child wants to learn about is at the touch of a finger, this new age with our advancing technology has provided online courses ,lessons, information, and anything your child wants to become - all easily available because of the internet .My children have learnt a lot from using the internet and all of this they have taught themselves, asked for help or came across while browsing, My daughter has taught herself how to spell, read, simple code, use video editing software, how to create, record and edit her own YouTube videos, how to make her own YouTube channel, discord server, Roblox game, how to draw anime, how to make fruit smoothie bowls , made friends from all over the world, she has learnt that there are different languages ,different countries, different time zones .She has learnt names of animals ,world facts, science facts, adding ,subtracting, percentages, and money skills and loads more she just turned 10 and all this she has taught herself from her own curiosity and using her online games. 4) last is Nature We have always been a outdoorsy nature loving family ever since the kids were born, nature has so much to teach , that might sound silly but a day trip to the beach, you never know what you'll find or what questions your child will ask, once we found a biodegradable golf ball, and this led to a big natural learning conversation on what biodegradable means, the benefits to the environment and what pollution means . A look in some rock pools lead to learning facts about starfish (from a quick google search) and underwater ecosystems. Watching sail boats lead to discussions about wind and direction and how a sail boat moves, Finding a plastic water tank floating in the shore lead to discussions about what a water tank was used for, which lead to further discussions about sustainability and self sufficiency , as well as the effects of natural disasters (storms) .Finding a poor diseased whale on a remote beach taught us some whale facts, natural discussions on migrations and different whale species. A walk in the bush leads to great maths skills, by navigating, measuring distance ,time ,counting the age of a tree by the rings ,spotting echinus and learning about their spikes, finding wallabies and wombats, discussing bird nests and different trees. A swim in a waterhole lead to discussions about fresh and salt water, how waterholes are made, animal habitats and so on. You never know what you will find and learn by being out in nature, I always bring my phone - (for a quick google search if I'm not sure about something ) nature has taught my children and myself so much already, and there is more waiting to be discovered. slideshow Unschooling By choosing to unschool your child you are following the path of nature. It is a child’s personal journey of discovering themselves and the world around them. Unschooling fosters rather than stunts natural curiosity and inspires a love of learning that will last a life time.Learning cannot be rushed. There is no expiry date. Children want to learn. Curiosity drives them.When a child is allowed to explore new knowledge at their own pace, things that they find useful and relevant, then you are creating a motivated child.You are creating a natural learner.

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  • BarefootChild | home schooling australia | Australia

    I go to learn where the wild things grow - BarefootChild About Us Filtrar por Categoría Todos natural learning featured freebies Young Wildlings Wild-School $1 grab bag Posters Bundles Digital products Reggio provocations Commercial use allowed courses with MRR halloween freebies flashcards Mini study packs Birthday cards/invitations Precio 0,00AU$ 815,00AU$ Ordenar por Vista rápida Provocation mats- reggio inspired x25 Precio 3,30AU$ Precio de oferta $2.48 Agregar al carrito Vista rápida 10x nature craft invitations to play reggio provocation flashcards Precio 0,00AU$ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Christmas cards A4- diy pack of 7 Precio 0,00AU$ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida WINTER nature journal plus snow & ice learning pack Precio 11,99AU$ Precio de oferta $9.00 Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Ocean animal decor poster pack freebie Precio 0,00AU$ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Animal adaption study pack Precio 11,99AU$ Precio de oferta $9.00 Agregar al carrito Vista rápida what I might find in nature - FLASHCARDS Precio 2,99AU$ Precio de oferta $2.25 Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Ocean themed 14x provocation mats- reggio inspired Precio 3,10AU$ Precio de oferta $2.33 Agregar al carrito 1 2 3 ... 27 Freebies Not only do we love bringing you affordable learning resources, we also love creating you educational freebies. Head over to our 2 freebie pages - our featured freebies page is where you will find all our current and new freebies and our other freebie page is our freebies from last year- Join our email list to be the first to know of new additions, get exclusive email only freebies monthly and we will let you know of great new affordable and free nature inspired learning resources we find and love. featured freebies other freebie This website may contain the use of affiliate links About BarefootChild Hey there wild Mumma and welcome! Im Skye-lee, founder of BarefootChild, educational content creator, unschooling advocate, and a Mumma on a mission to bring natural learning into homes and classrooms. Here at BarefootChild we are passionate about connecting childrens learning with nature. Our resources are created following the reggio and charlotte mason philosophy with our own wildschooling twist. We have been passionately connecting 1000s of homeschoolers, parents, teachers and educators with affordable learning resources that spark curiosity, nature connections and that help keep kids wild.In 2022 BarefootChild began its journey from our love for nature, entwined with my love for raising and mothering children naturally. Look around, explore our site you will find over 100 freebies, unschooling and natural parenting articles and our wildschool resources. Shop now Did you know that we have a variety of resources that you can resell as 100% your own? begin your journey to become a financially free wild Mumma with our commercial use range Check it out Affiliate and advertisements used on this blog NEW Vista rápida Mega bundle of bundles Precio 79,99AU$ Precio de oferta $60.00 Sale25 Agregar al carrito NEW Vista rápida A Little Naturalist BUNDLE Precio 19,99AU$ Precio de oferta $15.00 Sale25 Agregar al carrito Vista rápida morning basket BUNDLE - nature inspired Precio 9,99AU$ Precio de oferta $7.50 Sale25 Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Reggio Mega Bundle Vol1 Precio 19,99AU$ Precio de oferta $15.00 Sale25 Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Reggio MegaBundle Vol2 Precio 19,99AU$ Precio de oferta $15.00 Sale25 Agregar al carrito Vista rápida natural learning BUNDLE Precio 14,99AU$ Precio de oferta $11.25 Sale25 Agregar al carrito Read the blog Unschooling and trust How we teach maths naturally Top 4 free unschooling methods we use to teach Get to know us Why we decided to unschool the kids What I now see being a Unschooling parent as The importance of growing up outdoors What is Radical unschooling? 1 2 3 4 Shop nature studies from FTLOH club Teach your little wildling everything from migration , geology, chemistry in nature to animal and plant studies , survival skills and so much more with for the love of homeschooling's nature study club. Head over now to get some FREE samples Go to freebies Affiliate and advertisements used on this blog whole nature study curriculums and freebies homeschooling courses,guides and more wildchild giftideas Nature studies and freebies for homeschooling Natural Learning Blog Slow down this year and embrace natural learning with your child. Not sure what exactly natural learning or unschooling means ? Don't worry we have put together guides and resources.YOU CAN EVEN VIEW OUR GOVERNMENT APPROVED UNSCHOOLING REPORTS AND PLANS learn more Find out more At BarefootChild,we have you covered, whether you are wanting to start your home-schooling journey in Australia and need helpful resources, wanting to find out more information on natural parenting or looking for a great nature dedicated community, we have the answers. Home-school in Aus Nature Community Natural Parenting

  • Homeschool Registration Requirements | BarefootChild

    ACTUALIZADO 2022 Una vez que haya decidido que quiere pasar a la educación en el hogar / unschooling camino, como muchos padres en los últimos años debido a la actual pandemia de covid usted puede estar pensando, ¿y ahora qué? En cada estado de Australia, es el mismo proceso para Unschool que para la educación en el hogar'. Una buena manera de comenzar es verificar las leyes/procesos de educación en el hogar de su estado; se sorprenderá de que el aprendizaje natural (desescolarización) - en realidad está en sus sitios web para ver qué tipo de pedagogía de estilo elige usar. (Pedagogía se refiere a cómo educa en el hogar. Incluye métodos educativos y filosofías que usted cree para la educación en el hogar y la escuela de su hijo) Hay muchas formas de estilos de aprendizaje que puede elegir. Cada estado y territorio son ligeramente diferentes pero la mayoría sigue el mismo método que los 5 pasos que he enumerado. A continuación hay información útil sobre los sitios web de sus estados para los nuevos educadores en el hogar y su registro requisitos Nueva Gales del Sur tas & TAS Queensland Nuevo Testamento VIC & VIC Washington SA ACTUAR & ACTUAR Alerta a las autoridades que estás solicitando registro (el departamento de educación de su estado) Puede hacer esto completando un Formulario de solicitud de educación en el hogar para el registro inicial (ALGUNOS estados esto es en línea, puede completarlo y enviarlo por correo electrónico) al registrador de educación de su estado, tendrá que hacer 1 para cada niño que elija homeschool/unschool, deberá enviar una identificación que confirme el nombre del niño, su fecha de nacimiento y los nombres de los padres. por ejemplo: certificado de nacimiento, también proporcione evidencia del lugar de residencia del niño en ese estado (si así lo solicita el Registrador de Educación) puede encontrar estos formularios en pdf aquí: Nueva Gales del Sur tas Queensland Nuevo Testamento VIC ACT - Para solicitar un formulario de solicitud de registro de educación en el hogar: WA : comuníquese con la oficina de educación regional más cercana y solicite hablar con un moderador de educación en el hogar. Se le enviará un formulario que deberá presentar con ellos. Cada oficina tiene su propia forma individualizada. OFICINAS SA : no se registra para la educación en el hogar; en cambio, inscribe a su hijo en una escuela y luego solicita una exención de asistir. Para solicitar la educación en el hogar, debe completar un formulario de solicitud en línea que puede solicitar desde el Home Education unidad en educació Espere una llamada de un representante del departamento de educación para concertar una entrevista con usted para repasar su programa de educación en el hogar/desescolarización. Estados como Queensland & VIC no requieren entrevistas, el registro lo realizan ellos revisando su plan de aprendizaje Generalmente dentro de 2 semanas recibirá una llamada de un AP (Persona Autorizada, generalmente un maestro) después de haber enviado su formulario de registro, esto será para hacer una cita con usted (algunos estados requieren esto como una visita domiciliaria, algunos estados a través de una llamada web y algunos no requerirán una entrevista física) - también tenga en cuenta que debido a covid hay una suspensión temporal de las visitas domiciliarias. La entrevista es con el propósito de ver a sus hijos y leer el programa escrito para cada niño que ha hecho, esto es para que puedan registrarlo como educador en el hogar, los períodos de registro son diferentes para cada estado, algunos están en un registro continuo y algunos principiantes comienzan períodos de registro de 3, 6, 12 y 24 meses antes de la renovación Si aún no lo has hecho, escribe su resumen y programa de educación en el hogar (HESP) - ¡plan de aprendizaje! Es una buena idea tener su plan ya escrito antes de registrar por primera vez su formulario de registro inicial, esto le ayudará a ahorrarse la prisa y el estrés de tenerlo hecho antes de su entrevista, pero si no, ahora es el momento de estudiar y planificar. Hay información muy útil sobre cómo escribir un programa y plantillas de planes de aprendizaje en el sitio de educación de su estado. Puede escribir uno usted mismo, según los estándares y las pautas de aprendizaje de su estado, ya sea siguiendo el plan de estudios australiano o el plan de estudios de su estado. Algunos estados tienen plantillas que puede completar y adaptar para adaptarse a su hijo y a la filosofía de aprendizaje. Los planes de aprendizaje explican al departamento de educación. cómo abordará las áreas de aprendizaje dentro del entorno de aprendizaje en el hogar siguiendo su plan de estudios. cuándo y dónde tendrá lugar la instrucción el tema que cubrirá para cada área de aprendizaje los materiales y recursos educativos que utilizará cómo registrará los resultados de aprendizaje de su hijo algunos estados pueden requerir la filosofía de aprendizaje que ha decidido utilizar Encontrará enlaces de plantillas y planes de aprendizaje de muestra para cada estado a continuación Si su estado tiene una plantilla, es tan simple como imprimirla y completarla; de lo contrario, puede crear la suya propia. - NSW sigue el plan de estudios de NSW (NESA) No hay una plantilla en el sitio educativo, pero para NSW su HESP, el plan tiene que abordar las 6 materias clave de aprendizaje basadas en el plan de estudios NESA inglés Matemáticas Ciencia y Tecnología PDHPE ( Desarrollo Personal, Salud y Educación Física) Artes creativas Historia y geografía (Sociedad humana y su entorno) Desde el año 7 Educación y Formación Profesional (EFP) (estudios de trabajo) también 2 optativas. Puedes elegir tus materias optativas de cualquier parte de la vida y no es necesario que sean materias oficiales. Aquí hay 6 excelentes plantillas descargables que encontramos en design-your-homeschool - 6 plantillas , El programa puede ser tan simple como cortar y pegar las declaraciones de etapa de cada Área clave de aprendizaje (KLA), y luego enumerar los recursos que pretende usar para cubrir esos conjuntos de habilidades en las declaraciones de etapa. o puede hacer un plan utilizando los resultados del plan de estudios para cada área clave de aprendizaje. Los habitantes de Tasmania siguen australiano plan de estudios cubierta 2 principales áreas de aprendizaje, inglés Matemáticas pero también es una buena idea cubrir otras áreas de aprendizaje si se adapta a su familia como , ciencias, geografía, historia, artes, educación física, sociología, tecnologías, filosofía, cocina y habilidades para la vida, por nombrar algunos. Aquí hay una plantilla de su sitio En las escuelas de Victoria utilizan el currículo de Victoria pero para educar en casa usted no tiene que , siempre y cuando tu Cubrir las 8 áreas clave de aprendizaje que puede elegir cómo las entrega inglés matemáticas ciencias (incluidas la física, la química y la biología) Historia y geografía (humanidades y ciencias sociales) las artes idiomas PDHPE (salud y educación física) Tecnologías (tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, y diseño y tecnología). Victoria tiene 2 plantillas a elegir entre 1 basado en el tema - Esta plantilla ayuda a aquellos que tienen la intención de seguir un plan de estudios o un enfoque de aprendizaje estructurado. Divide su programa previsto en las áreas de aprendizaje. 2 actividades basadas - Esta plantilla ayuda a aquellos que tienen la intención de desescolarizarse o seguir un enfoque de aprendizaje natural. Aborda las áreas de aprendizaje a través de actividades educativas. Nuevo Testamento recomienda a los padres utilizar el plan de estudios australiano Áreas clave de aprendizaje inglés Matemáticas Ciencia Historia Geografía (Estudios de Sociedad y Medio Ambiente) PDHPE (Salud y Educación Física)  Tecnología y Diseño (resolución de problemas, diseño, producción y evaluación) Las artes (visuales y escénicas) También tenga en cuenta NT dice: Las áreas clave de aprendizaje forman los amplios requisitos para el plan de estudios de educación en el hogar. El método de entrega quedará a discreción de los padres, en función de las necesidades del niño. Si bien los padres son responsables de garantizar que las ocho áreas clave de aprendizaje, en conjunto, se aborden sustancialmente, esto no significa que la instrucción en cada área clave de aprendizaje deba ocurrir todos los años . Echa un vistazo aquí para excelentes pautas para el plan de aprendizaje Aquí hay una plantilla de su sitio Australia Occidental sigue el plan de estudios y el esquema de evaluación de WA SCSA Áreas clave de aprendizaje inglés Matemáticas Ciencia Tecnología (diseño tecnología & tecnología digital) k - año 8. En el año 9 y 10 las tecnologías son opcionales geografía e historia ( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales ) Artes (artes visuales, danza y música, teatro, artes mediáticas) El plan de estudios de Artes está escrito sobre la base de que todos los estudiantes estudiarán al menos dos materias de Artes desde Preprimaria hasta el final del Año 8. Es un requisito que los estudiantes cursar una asignatura de performance y una asignatura visual. En Year 9 y 10 el estudio de las Artes es optativo. PDHPE (Salud y Educación Física) Idiomas: En WA se espera que su hijo estudia una asignatura de Idiomas (segundo idioma) desde Year 3 hasta Year 8. En Year 9 y Year 10 el estudio de Idiomas es optativo - infórmate aquí No pude encontrar ningún plan de aprendizaje de WA plantillas, pero siéntase libre de usar una de las plantillas anteriores siempre que esté cubriendo el plan de estudios de Australia occidental sur de australia sigue a australia Plan de estudios (o similar) Las áreas clave de aprendizaje inglés matemáticas Ciencias Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales – historia, geografía, economía y negocios, educación cívica y ciudadanía las artes – danza, teatro, música, artes mediáticas, artes visuales tecnologías – diseño y tecnologías, tecnologías digitales salud y educacion fisica idiomas . Estudios de trabajo: optativa solo para estudiantes de Year 9 y Year 10. No pude encontrar una plantilla, pero los sitios web de educación de SA dicen: Que en tus planes de aprendizaje deberá proporcionar una lista de temas específicos, actividades de aprendizaje, habilidades, proyectos y/o estudios de unidad que serán un enfoque en cada área de aprendizaje. Esto se guiará por el plan de estudios australiano , contenidos de recursos educativos, actividades de aprendizaje formales o informales, interés de un niño, excursiones planificadas y/o talleres educativos. Esto se puede ingresar como una declaración o mediante el uso de puntos, por ejemplo, una entrada en tecnologías puede incluir: James diseñará y creará un huerto para comprender la producción práctica de alimentos. O la ciencia puede incluir: ciclos de vida: plantas y animales/comprensión de las cadenas alimentarias/necesidades de los animales para sobrevivir/factores ambientales. el ACT utiliza el plan de estudios australiano Cubrir áreas clave de aprendizaje inglés matemáticas ciencias (incluidas la física, la química y la biología) Historia y geografía (humanidades y ciencias sociales) las artes idiomas PDHPE (salud y educación física) Tecnologías (tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, y diseño y tecnología). Es muy difícil encontrar recursos para la educación en el hogar ACT; lo mejor es ponerse en contacto con su unidad educativa. podría usar las plantillas proporcionadas por NSW, pero siga la guía australiana plan de estudios E n Queensland el El plan de estudios australiano se utiliza desde k-10 En los años 11 y 12, las escuelas de Queensland deben seleccionar el plan de estudios que se implementará de una variedad de opciones de temas disponibles a través de la Autoridad de Evaluación y Currículo de Queensland (QCAA) . los áreas de aprendizaje incluyen: inglés Matemáticas Ciencias Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales Salud y Educación Física Tecnologías Las artes Idiomas (se recomienda enseñar un idioma desde Prep hasta Year 12 cuando sea posible). Puedes elegir entre 3 plantillas 1 - Currículo australiano (ACARA) Programa de educación en el hogar Es la forma de aprendizaje oficial del Departamento de Educación, que se centra en el conocimiento y las habilidades disciplinarias en las ocho áreas de aprendizaje del plan de estudios: inglés, matemáticas, ciencias, salud y educación física, humanidades y ciencias sociales, artes, tecnologías e idiomas. 2 - Programa de educación en el hogar dirigido a objetivos Los estudiantes usan herramientas tecnológicas para establecer metas, planificar actividades, monitorear el progreso y evaluar resultados en lugar de simplemente completar tareas sin reflexionar. 3 - Investigaciones temáticas/impulsadas por intereses Programa de educación en el hogar Una forma de enseñar y aprender donde muchas áreas del currículo están conectadas e integradas dentro de un tema. Es una forma de integrar el plan de estudios seleccionando un tema con el que los estudiantes estén familiarizados. y el material se puede enseñar, con el estudiante haciendo conexiones con la información que se enseña y los propios conocimientos previos de los estudiantes Hay otros excelentes ejemplos de planes de aprendizaje aprobados para varios estados en el padre educador Para obtener más información sobre cómo escribir un Plan de Aprendizaje Desescolarización múltiples muestras de sus sitio web Este es un gran aprendizaje natural. muestra aprobada para el año 1 varias muestras de sus sitio web esta es una gran muestra aprobada de aprendizaje natural escuela secundaria múltiples muestras basadas en sujetos y actividades en sus sitio web 1 Muestra del programa de educación en el hogar del Currículo Australiano (ACARA) 2 Ejemplo de programa de educación en el hogar dirigido a objetivos 3 Investigaciones temáticas/basadas en intereses Ejemplo de programa de educación en el hogar muestra año 1 Actualmente ninguno cajero automático disponible La cita con la educación personal No aplicable para QLD y VIC, se le aprobará según el plan de aprendizaje que envió por correo electrónico; continúe con el paso 5 Lo siguiente es su cita con el personal de educación autorizado, esto puede ser un poco estresante para algunas personas, sé que me sentí extremadamente nervioso antes de eso, pero una vez que comencé a explicar mi plan de aprendizaje, ¿cómo Mantendré registros, el recursos que usaré, y cómo creo que mis hijos aprenderán naturalmente a través de la vida diaria y su intereses se sentía aliviado, la parte difícil había terminado e incluso me sorprendió yo mismo cómo transcurrió la entrevista sin problemas, y todo ese estrés fue en vano. Este entrevista determinará su aceptación como educado en el hogar, usted se le permitirá legalmente tener a su hijo en casa para aprender si se aprueba. Una vez su entrevista termina la voluntad educada en el hogar normalmente le dicen por cuánto tiempo está registrado , ellos alertarán al departamento de educación en el hogar de su decisión, su departamento de estado entonces considerará esta decisión y le enviará su nota de certificado de educación en el hogar: algunos indica que tendrá que esperar hasta recibir su certificado de registro antes de que pueda sacar a su hijo de la escuela (esto puede tomar hasta varias semanas en algunos casos) - haga clic en su estado a continuación para ver el calendario de registro Estar preparado, claro y confiado al explicar sus métodos y plan de aprendizaje- recuerde sabes lo que es mejor para tu hijo, entiendes su necesidades de aprendizaje y el departamento de educación lo entiende, por lo que son sus para ayudarte Regístrese para educar en casa. no mencione la palabra "desescolarización" si no es necesario, solo usé palabras como "aprendizaje natural" "aprendizaje dirigido por niños", y "aprendizaje de la vida diaria" al explicar la filosofía y hablando a través de mi plan de aprendizaje tenga su "plan de aprendizaje" de papeleo organizado de antemano; yo puse el mío en una carpeta de mangas, ¡fácil de mostrar, y no perderá ningún papel importante que necesite! - también esta ayuda parece más sofisticada al departamento de educación sea cortés, diga sí y escuche a cualquier comentario o recomendación pueden tener y recordar La mayoría, pero no todo, el personal autorizado entender el concepto de "aprendizaje natural" -puede que no sea su elección personal, pero siempre que proporcione un buen plan de aprendizaje, aceptarán cualquier filosofía de aprendizaje . comience los procesos de desescolarización y comience su viaje de desescolarización Una vez que reciba tu educación en casa certificado, ahora puede comenzar su viaje Unschooling. Si tu hijo ya ha ido a un colegio público, puedes empezar por desescolarizarlo La desescolarización es utilizada por todos los estilos de métodos de aprendizaje de educación en el hogar, y es una excelente manera de comenzar su aprendizaje desescolarizado Acercarse, La desescolarización significa cambiar la transición de pensar que la educación solo se limita a un entorno similar a la escuela a ver la educación como parte de la vida cotidiana. Para los niños que han perdido el amor por el aprendizaje, es un momento para reconectarse y para que se les permita seguir sus propios intereses. desescolarización es sobre liberarse de la mentalidad de nuestros hijos y nosotros, los padres desarrollar cuando estamos tan acostumbrados al sistema escolar. Este es un momento en el que padres e hijos dejan lo que tienen considerado una parte normal a la educación y la vida en general detrás. Se trata de no llenar cuadernos de trabajo, no tener expectativas de aprendizaje y no hacer actividades escolares, se trata simplemente de vivir como lo harías en un fin de semana o durante las vacaciones escolares. Empezarás a notar la alegría de aprender renaciendo como tus hijos la curiosidad y la creatividad se reavivan. Es un momento para observarlos mientras descubren cosas nuevas que les interesan. Comenzarás a notar cómo operan, cómo aprenden y qué disfrutan. Sobre todo, notará que vuelven a aprender cómo hacer uso de su propio tiempo. La desescolarización parece fácil, pero cuando uno está tan acostumbrado a seguir un " sistema ", lleva tiempo que toda la familia se adapte y lleva tiempo encontrar a tu familia propio ritmo a la vida y al aprendizaje otra vez, (como era antes de que su niño pequeño fuera al preescolar), La fórmula general para la desescolarización es 1 mes por cada año que su hijo haya asistido a la "escuela" Recuerda para tomar notas en su plan de aprendizaje para sus registros de aprendizaje no escolarizados, incluso si está "desescolarizando"

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