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This unit study is packed with information on all things insects!

 Help children become entomologists, as they find out what makes a insect-a insect!


As we go in depth your child or students will discover and learn the following:

  • How scientist classify insects
  • The two different types of metamorphosis insects go through.complete and incomplete.
  • Insect characteristics
  • Insects are Invertebrates!
  • How insects communicate
  • How insects help with pollination
  • aswell as Mini ladybug and bee lifecycle unit studies

-bonus early learning morning basket activities- insect themed


We have created this study pack to be adaptable and to be used however you like, just like all our BarefootChild resources.It has a mix of learning resources for children 3-12, with information sheets,question and answer worksheets.It includes information sheets for older children and flashcards and activities  for younger children to be used within their morning baskets. 

Also included is a poster.


To help further your insect studies ,we have also included QR codes to some of the studies, which will take your child to educational videos. We have also included a blank question sheet, this is perfect if you would like to further their learnings from the videos by creating your own questions( it is also ideal, for you to create your own questions to suit your childs learning abilities/age.)


There is 60+ pages included, and perfect study for wildones to learn all about insects.


To be printed on A4 szie paper .


PHOTO CREDIT- instagram Mummas @twolittlesproutssensory , @holly.bennett.583 , @rattan_schoolhouse 

Insect unit study

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