Attachment parents believe in listening to their intuition and attending to their child's needs using a gentle, sensitive approach. Attachment parents believe in building strong relationships with their child right from the beginning .At its core, attachment parenting encourages tuning into your baby, yourself, and the needs of others in your family ecosystem. Its philosophy represents finding ways to calmly and appropriately respond to your child's demands.


birth bonding
Attachment parenting views immedient bonding between parents and baby right after birth and up to the first 6 weeks as a critical step to form strong family bonding .The approach promotes skin-to-skin contact and constant togetherness between parent and baby with a great deal of nurturing touch.

Breastfeeding is viewed as an essential way to healthfully nurture and soothe your baby in attachment parenting. It promotes physical touch and opportunities to respond to your baby’s hunger demands.Breastfeeding helps you get to know your baby, provides the best nutrition for your baby, provides comfort for your baby, and creates a loving and nurturing bond between mother and baby. Attachment parents generally believe in breastfeeding exclusively for six months, with continuing breastfeeding for 2 years and beyond.Mothers who are not able to breastfeed can practise attachment parenting by holding their baby when feeding and feeding “on demand”.

Attachment parents believe strongly in Carrying or “wearing” their baby either wearing a wrap or sling or carrying them in their arms.Baby wearing promotes physical closeness and fulfils the child's need for close physical contact while worn.,something the attachment parenting philosophy is highly based on. other benefits are Babies cry less when worn or being held and baby wearing allows the child to safely encounter the world while being close to mum / dad
breast feeding
baby wearing
bed sharing

Bed-sharing or co-sleeping is thought to reduce a baby’s separation anxiety at night and make night-time breastfeeding easier for mom .Co-sleeping with your baby means your baby sleeps in your bed or in your bedroom close to your bed.co-sleeping means that you can respond more quickly to your baby’s needs and minimise sleep disruption for you and your baby. Co-sleeping helps you get to know your baby It also helps you to develop a strong bond with your baby. It is common for babies to co-sleep with their parents for the first few years of their life.

In attachment parenting, a baby’s cries are viewed as their way of communicating a need . Attachment parents are quick to sensitively respond to their baby’s every cry and learn their baby’s communication style. Attachment parenting does not involve leaving your baby to cry alone in order to teach your baby how to “self-settle”. The cries are seen as the childs communication tool, to express their needs rather than the parent asserting them
belief in babys cries

Attachment parenting believe in the constant presence of a parent.They believe in Minimising the time you spend away from your baby in the early period will make breastfeeding easier and strengthening your attachment with your baby. With time, the baby becomes less dependent on the mother and the baby’s needs will be fulfilled by other people the baby is strongly attached to,They advocate against childcare for more than 20 hours a week for babies younger than 30 months old.A strong bond is developed between a mother and her baby. Being together most of the time, helps develop this bond and helps support “demand” breastfeeding
minimise time away from baby
bed sharing

Parents who practice attachment parenting believe in distracting, redirecting, and guiding the child from a very young age, and to model positive behaviour. Attachment parenting aims at understanding what a child's negative behaviour is communicating. attachment parents believe in working out a solution together with a child, rather than simply imposing their will on the child with negative discipline

finding balance within the family
attachment parents believe in good communication with their spouses and .always try to find creative solutions to satisfy the needs of all family members .Mothers need time to replenish and fathers need baby bonding time to so, they find a balance.

Attachment parenting was developed
in the 1980s by the American paediatrician William Sears and his
wife Martha, a registered nurse, now
in their 70s, and starts from the inarguable position that loving
parental interaction is beneficial to a child. Attachment theory says an infant instinctively seeks closeness to a secure "attachment figure." This closeness is necessary for the infant
to feel safe emotionally as well as for food and survival. A person with a secure attachment is generally able to
respond to stress in healthy ways and establish more meaningful and close relationships more often
practise positive discipline
theory & origin
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You can purchase these by clicking on the picture
The Baby Book
This book is referred to as the "attachment parenting bible" by many It was the Sears' team's first parenting book, in which they debuted attachment parenting to readers. It focuses on infants' basic needs, like eating, sleeping, development, etc., through the lens of attachment parenting, though the text emphasizes that there is more than one way to raise happy and healthy children.
The Attachment Parenting Book
Another Sears and team parenting book this one gets into the nitty gritty of attachment parenting answering questions that were left unanswered in their first publication. It contains the famous "7 Baby Bs" that are key to attachment parenting, and the text addresses the role of a mother versus a father based on their approach
Raising a secure child book
With masses of information out there, parents today often feel pressured to be perfect. In Raising a Secure Child, the authors say that by striving to do everything right, we risk missing what children really need for lifelong emotional security,Raising a Secure Child puts the keys to healthy attachment within your reach—self-understanding, flexibility, and the willingness to make and learn from mistakes.
Modern attachment parenting book
modern Attachment Parenting doesn’t overload you with parenting rules, but rather empowers you with information. It is an evolution of the science, free of any guilt, misgivings, or judgment on your formal parental role, and an open philosophy of finding the version right for you.It was published by Jamie Grumet the mother who stepped onto the cover of TIME Magazine in 2012 with her then three-year-old son to model for the world what, full-term breastfeeding looked like.
Becoming Attached
The struggle to understand the infant-parent bond ranks as one of the great quests of modern psychology, one that touches us deeply because it holds so many clues to how we become who we are. How are our personalities formed? How do our early struggles with our parents reappear in the way we
relate to others as adults? Why do we repeat with our own children--seemingly against our will--the very behaviors we most disliked about our parents? In Becoming Attached, psychologist and noted journalist Robert Karen offers fresh insight into some of the most fundamental and fascinating
questions of emotional life.
The natural child
The Natural Child is the instruction manual that should have come with your child.
Jan Hunt's The Natural Child: promotes
Trust children. They may be small in size, but they deserve to have their needs taken seriously. She calls it empathic parenting: believing what we know in our heart to be true.The Natural Child is golden. It offers age-old wisdom and practical tips, all with love and compassion. The skills taught in this book apply to all children, from newborns to teenagers and beyond.
The lost art of natural parenting
This 120-page eBook delivers evidence-based wisdom, practical knowledge, useful tools, and tips based on experience to help you raise your kids with empathy and authenticity.It will help teach you how to follow your instincts and become a conscious, more mindful parent. The Lost Art of Natural Parenting shares a beautiful message – that parenting can be an enlightening experience, challenging us to become the best version of ourselves as our children teach us how to become the parents they need us to be.it was created by tracy from over at raisedgood.