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  • Affiliate | BarefootChild

    Sign up Login Are you interested in promoting BarefootChild ? If so Join our affiliate team. What is Affiliate marketing? If your not familiar with affiliate marketing, it is a way for you to earn extra income by simply sharing your unique link you will receive once you join up either with your social media followers, in groups online, on your website or blogposts or however and if someone clicks on your link and buys a product from us you will receive a commission on that purchase as well, its that simple! (you can share our product images, or create your own marketing photos, to entice customers to click your link) You will recieve a dashboard via goaffpro in which you can track your referrals,click rates and everything else) Our commission pay rates for sales made via your affiliate links are 50% commission of every DIGITIAL PRODUCT sale you bring in and 10% on any PHYSICAL PRODUCT SALES, we also have a 130 day cookie window, meaning if a customer clicks on your link but doesn't buy anything straight away "cookies stay on their web browser" with your unique affiliate link so if they buy something from us in a week,a month or 129 days later, you still earn your Commision.You also will receive a unique code you can share with your followers for them to save 10% off,a great way to make them click via your link. We pay commissions out usually for DIGITAL SALES within 24-48hours,and PHYSICAL SALES -within 5 days,so please add your payment details once you join up , so you we can easily pay you. (Our preferred method is paypal, but we can pay via bank transfer if you choose, so please let us know.) Everyone is welcome to apply, come join our team.

  • Privacy policy | BarefootChild

    Contatto Sono sempre alla ricerca di nuove ed entusiasmanti opportunità. Connettiamoci. Informativa sulla privacy per BarefootChild In BarefootChild, accessibile da , una delle nostre priorità principali è la privacy dei nostri visitatori. Questo documento sulla Privacy Policy contiene tipi di informazioni che vengono raccolte e registrate da BarefootChild e su come le utilizziamo. Se hai ulteriori domande o necessiti di maggiori informazioni sulla nostra Privacy Policy, non esitare a contattarci. La presente Informativa sulla privacy si applica solo alle nostre attività online ed è valida per i visitatori del nostro sito Web per quanto riguarda le informazioni che hanno condiviso e/o raccolto in BarefootChild. Questa politica non è applicabile alle informazioni raccolte offline o tramite canali diversi da questo sito web. Consenso Utilizzando il nostro sito Web, acconsenti alla nostra Informativa sulla privacy e accetti i suoi termini. Informazioni che raccogliamo Le informazioni personali che ti viene chiesto di fornire e i motivi per cui ti viene chiesto di fornirle ti saranno chiarite nel momento in cui ti chiediamo di fornire le tue informazioni personali. Se ci contatti direttamente, potremmo ricevere informazioni aggiuntive su di te come nome, indirizzo e-mail, numero di telefono, contenuto del messaggio e/o allegati che potresti inviarci e qualsiasi altra informazione che potresti scegliere di fornire. Quando ti registri per un Account, potremmo chiederti le tue informazioni di contatto, inclusi elementi come nome, nome dell'azienda, indirizzo, indirizzo e-mail e numero di telefono. Come utilizziamo le tue informazioni Utilizziamo le informazioni che raccogliamo in vari modi, incluso per: Fornire, gestire e mantenere il nostro sito web Migliora, personalizza ed espandi il nostro sito web Comprendi e analizza come utilizzi il nostro sito web Sviluppa nuovi prodotti, servizi, caratteristiche e funzionalità Comunicare con te, direttamente o tramite uno dei nostri partner, anche per il servizio clienti, per fornirti aggiornamenti e altre informazioni relative al sito Web e per scopi di marketing e promozionali Invia e-mail Trova e previeni le frodi Log files BarefootChild segue una procedura standard di utilizzo dei file di registro. Questi file registrano i visitatori quando visitano i siti web. Tutte le società di hosting fanno questo e una parte dell'analisi dei servizi di hosting. Le informazioni raccolte dai file di registro includono indirizzi IP (Internet Protocol), tipo di browser, provider di servizi Internet (ISP), data e ora, pagine di riferimento/uscita ed eventualmente il numero di clic. Questi non sono collegati ad alcuna informazione che sia di identificazione personale. Lo scopo delle informazioni è analizzare le tendenze, amministrare il sito, tracciare i movimenti degli utenti sul sito Web e raccogliere informazioni demografiche. Cookie e Web Beacon Come qualsiasi altro sito Web, BarefootChild utilizza i "cookie". Questi cookie vengono utilizzati per memorizzare informazioni comprese le preferenze dei visitatori e le pagine del sito Web a cui il visitatore ha avuto accesso o visitato. Le informazioni vengono utilizzate per ottimizzare l'esperienza degli utenti personalizzando il contenuto della nostra pagina Web in base al tipo di browser dei visitatori e/o ad altre informazioni. Per informazioni più generali sui cookie, si prega di leggere l'articolo sui cookie sul sito web Genera informativa sulla privacy . Cookie DART di Google DoubleClick Google è uno dei fornitori di terze parti sul nostro sito. Utilizza anche i cookie, noti come cookie DART, per offrire annunci ai visitatori del nostro sito in base alla loro visita a e ad altri siti su Internet. Tuttavia, i visitatori possono scegliere di rifiutare l'uso dei cookie DART visitando l'Informativa sulla privacy della rete di contenuti e annunci di Google al seguente URL: I nostri partner pubblicitari Alcuni degli inserzionisti sul nostro sito possono utilizzare cookie e web beacon. I nostri partner pubblicitari sono elencati di seguito. Ciascuno dei nostri partner pubblicitari ha la propria Informativa sulla privacy per le proprie politiche sui dati degli utenti. Per un accesso più semplice, abbiamo creato un collegamento ipertestuale alle loro Norme sulla privacy di seguito. Google PayPal Il sito Web può impegnarsi in marketing di affiliazione , che viene fatto incorporando collegamenti di tracciamento nel sito Web. Se fai clic su un collegamento per una partnership di affiliazione, verrà inserito un cookie nel tuo browser per tracciare eventuali vendite ai fini delle commissioni. BarefootChild partecipa al programma Amazon Services LLC Associates, un programma pubblicitario di affiliazione progettato per fornire ai siti un mezzo per guadagnare commissioni pubblicitarie tramite pubblicità e collegamenti ad Nell'ambito di questo programma di affiliazione Amazon, il sito Web pubblicherà collegamenti personalizzati, forniti da Amazon, per tenere traccia dei rinvii al loro sito Web. Questo programma utilizza i cookie per tracciare le visite allo scopo di assegnare commissioni su queste vendite. BarefootChild partecipa a Commission Factory, un programma pubblicitario di affiliazione progettato per fornire ai siti un mezzo per guadagnare commissioni pubblicitarie tramite pubblicità e collegamenti a diversi partner commerciali Come parte di questo Programma Associates, il sito Web pubblicherà collegamenti personalizzati, forniti da commission factory, per tracciare i rinvii al loro sito web. Questo programma utilizza i cookie per tracciare le visite allo scopo di assegnare commissioni su queste vendite. Informativa sulla privacy dei partner pubblicitari Puoi consultare questo elenco per trovare l'Informativa sulla privacy di ciascuno dei partner pubblicitari di BarefootChild. Gli ad server o le reti pubblicitarie di terze parti utilizzano tecnologie come cookie, JavaScript o Web Beacon utilizzati nei rispettivi annunci pubblicitari e collegamenti visualizzati su BarefootChild, che vengono inviati direttamente al browser degli utenti. Ricevono automaticamente il tuo indirizzo IP quando ciò si verifica. Queste tecnologie vengono utilizzate per misurare l'efficacia delle loro campagne pubblicitarie e/o per personalizzare i contenuti pubblicitari che vedi sui siti web che visiti. Tieni presente che BarefootChild non ha accesso o controllo su questi cookie utilizzati da inserzionisti di terze parti. Politiche sulla privacy di terze parti L'Informativa sulla privacy di BarefootChild non si applica ad altri inserzionisti o siti Web. Pertanto, ti consigliamo di consultare le rispettive Norme sulla privacy di questi ad server di terze parti per informazioni più dettagliate. Può includere le loro pratiche e istruzioni su come rinunciare a determinate opzioni. Puoi scegliere di disabilitare i cookie attraverso le singole opzioni del tuo browser. Per conoscere informazioni più dettagliate sulla gestione dei cookie con specifici browser web, è possibile trovarle nei rispettivi siti web dei browser. Diritti sulla privacy CCPA (non vendere le mie informazioni personali) Ai sensi del CCPA, tra gli altri diritti, i consumatori della California hanno il diritto di: Richiedere a un'azienda che raccoglie i dati personali di un consumatore di divulgare le categorie e le parti specifiche di dati personali che un'azienda ha raccolto sui consumatori. Richiedere a un'azienda di eliminare tutti i dati personali sul consumatore che un'azienda ha raccolto. Richiedere che un'azienda che vende i dati personali di un consumatore, non venda i dati personali del consumatore. Se fai una richiesta, abbiamo un mese per risponderti. Se desideri esercitare uno di questi diritti, contattaci. Diritti di protezione dei dati GDPR Vorremmo assicurarci che tu sia pienamente consapevole di tutti i tuoi diritti di protezione dei dati. Ogni utente ha diritto a: Il diritto di accesso – Hai il diritto di richiedere copie dei tuoi dati personali. Potremmo addebitarti una piccola commissione per questo servizio. Il diritto alla rettifica: hai il diritto di richiedere la correzione di qualsiasi informazione che ritieni inesatta. Hai anche il diritto di richiedere che completiamo le informazioni che ritieni incomplete. Il diritto alla cancellazione – Hai il diritto di richiedere la cancellazione dei tuoi dati personali, a determinate condizioni. Il diritto di limitare il trattamento – Hai il diritto di richiedere che limitiamo il trattamento dei tuoi dati personali, a determinate condizioni. Il diritto di opporsi al trattamento – Hai il diritto di opporti al nostro trattamento dei tuoi dati personali, a determinate condizioni. Il diritto alla portabilità dei dati – Hai il diritto di richiedere che trasferiamo i dati che abbiamo raccolto a un'altra organizzazione, o direttamente a te, a determinate condizioni. Se fai una richiesta, abbiamo un mese per risponderti. Se desideri esercitare uno di questi diritti, contattaci. Informazioni per bambini Un'altra parte della nostra priorità è aggiungere la protezione dei bambini durante l'utilizzo di Internet. Incoraggiamo i genitori e i tutori a osservare, partecipare e/o monitorare e guidare la loro attività online. BarefootChild non raccoglie consapevolmente alcuna informazione di identificazione personale da bambini di età inferiore ai 13 anni. Se ritieni che tuo figlio abbia fornito questo tipo di informazioni sul nostro sito Web, ti invitiamo vivamente a contattarci immediatamente e faremo del nostro meglio per rimuovere tempestivamente tali informazioni dai nostri archivi.

  • untamedlearning| BarefootChild

    Reggio inspired learning Bundle wild school Thankyou for purchasing our Reggio inspired WILDSCHOOL bundle. Here at BarefootChild we believe that the natural environment should act as the child's first teacher,that learning should be wholesome ,wild and full of adventure. Simply download and save each bundle, print on A4 size paper (thick glossy card stock look best as these are real photographs) - optional laminate. Then simply cut out around any borders to form your flash cards Instructions currently 14 sets Insect garden This pack is filled with 12 different and common insects found in the garden Included is 3- part Montessori cards,clip the letter cards and match the other halve cards of the 12 insects .Perfect to get your child exploring and learning all about what they will find in the garden using real photos for a wholesome learning experience download now find out more A-Z poster/ playdough mats Help teach young ones the alphabet by using our nature inspired A-Z alphabet playdough mats. They look great as classroom posters too! download now find out more Colours in nature pack Help teach young ones the most common colours by using the colours found in nature. This pack contains 3 part style flash cards, vocabulary flash cards aswell as a learning area colour banner to hang up. download now find out more Shapes found in nature flash cards Help teach young ones common shapes by using our shapes in nature flash cards. They can even be turned into 2 part flash cards and wall posters. download now find out more My nature journal Help get kids outside observing nature with our easy to use nature observation and reflections nature journal.Simply print daily,weekly and monthly pages as needed. Our journal is not only for the garden it can be used in all nature areas, at the beach,forest,lake you name it. download now find out more Vintage insect posters Spruce up your learning space or classroom walls while adding a touch of nature with our 4x vintage inspired insect posters. In both a4 and us letterhead size ( both sizes attached to the pdf file below) download now find out more My emotions 3-part flashcard Help teach young ones their emotions with our 3 part style emotion flash cards. download now find out more Making inferences flash cards Get kids using their logic and thinking skills with our 32 making inferences flash cards. download now nature formats flash cards Teach your little one nature formats using our 3-part style flash cards. So next time on your adventures they will be able to spot what each natural format is. download now find out more Nature inspired posters Spruce up your natural learning area walls with our different size natural classroom posters. download now find out more Fruit and their trees flash cards Teach your ones what each fruit is using our vocabulary flash cards, help them match them with the correct tree they grow from and colour dots for a extra activity.A total of 40 cards. download now find out more things in nature flash cards Help teach children nature and things you will find it in with our nature vocabulary cards. You can even use these cards when you are scavenger hunting or playing eye spy for a extra activity. download now find out more 1-20 numbers found in nature flashcards/posters Use our 1-20 numbers found in nature flash cards as display posters, in your morning baskets or in your natural learning materials. download now find out more winter/artic animals flashcards Our winter artic animal vocabulary match the name to the animal flash cards will help expand your childs vocabulary.These will go great in other units or in morning baskets. download now find out more

  • Home schooling in Australia | BarefootChild

    Australia Stai cercando di iniziare a studiare a casa quest'anno in Australia? L'istruzione domestica è in aumento negli ultimi anni come mai prima d'ora. Unisciti alla tribù. processo di registrazione nell'Aus Scopri come andare a scuola a casa in Australia. Pulsante nel NSW Consulta la nostra guida dettagliata per l'istruzione a domicilio nel NSW. Pulsante nel VIC Consulta la nostra guida dettagliata per l'istruzione a domicilio in VIC Pulsante nel VIC Consulta la nostra guida dettagliata per l'istruzione a domicilio in VIC Pulsante Domande frequenti su Abbiamo raccolto le risposte alle nostre domande più frequenti sull'istruzione domestica in Australia Pulsante

  • roadmap | BarefootChild

    download roadmap pdf file learn more about the course

  • What are digital products? | BarefootChild

    Now that you have kids, have you gained a desire to work less ,work from home and be your own boss? I'm here to tell you, go for it , its never to late to invest in yourself- you wild and capable Mumma! The only way to do this, is by taking the leap into the digital marketing world. What exactly is digital marketing? Digital marketing is when you promote products online, either through your social media channel or if you have a website, in the form of any of the following - posts, reels,stories,email campaigns, blog posts etc , these products you are promoting can either be your own products or services ( digital products ARE THE MOST LUCRATIVE TO SELL) or the products of other companies (affiliate marketing) but guess what.. It is so easy, you don't even need to create a product to sell, you can buy products already made that allow you to resell as your own -( there is so many products and services you can buy to resell, these are called done for you products through PLR and MRR licenses.) Like our digital welath academy course What are digital products? A Digital product is a product that is entirely online, you create one copy of this product, save it as a file (depending on what it is, you would save it as either a PDF, PNG,JPJ mp3, etc file) you then upload this file to your online store and then you can sell that one copy - unlimited amounts of time. Once someone makes a purchase -your online store will then automatically send your customer the file for them to download and enjoy straight away in the comfort of their home, no shipping, no inventory and no wholesale costs, just that one product you created that once- that now can be sold over and over again forever. To create digital products most people usually use online software of some kind. I personally use canva as I find this the Easiest for making printables, some very talented artists may even paint, create and draw their product and then upload/scan it onto their computer, to be able to sell it in digital form ,once again- this one copy can be sold unlimited amounts of time, allowing you to earn nothing but PROFIT each time. But what if your not very creative? No worries.. There is alot of digital products out there that you can buy and resell as your own (either through PLR,MRR /done for you) just like our digital wealth academy course and commercial use products or you can even hire someone on fivver to pretty much create ANYTHING that you want, ( let them know it will be used for commercial use ,this may cost a little extra but it will be worth it, because remember you can sell this one product unlimited amounts of time forever. I have personally used fivver twice now for this reason, that's why I am mention it to all of you, once your happy with the end product -upload the file to your store and,then your ready to start marketing this product to start earning $$$ But wait there's more , step into the world of Affiliate marketing!! You can even start selling through affiliate marketing ( this is where you join a company's affiliate program that you love and start promoting their products that they sell, you are usually given a unique tracking link once you sign up - you promote the product and use that link when driving your customers to that product page and if someone buys that product from your link then you will earn a commission. - (a commission is a percentage of that sale) Commission rates vary 10-30% or more for most companies. Did you know that we here at BarefootChild have an affiliate program and you will earn 50% commission if you PROMOTE our products ) You have most likely came across many influencers and people you follow on social media ,who tell you to click the link in my bio, or say LINK IN BIO and guess what they are doing ... BEING An AFFILAITE!! - yes that's right, all those links in peoples bios are from either their own products that they created or had someone create them from sites like fivver, or they are products that they brought to resell as their own (through PLR,MMR rights)like our high earning roadmap course or the most common is AFFILIATES they are selling you other companies stuff to earn some commission promoting things they love, enjoy or use Some people use a mix of all 3 listed above. ( I personally use my own products and affiliate links) There is so many people out there who are making 10s of thousands to 100's of thousands, even to millions a year from selling digital products and earning passive income so many mums just like you, who had children ,then gained a desperate desire to work from home ,to be their own boss, and live their life to the fullest with their families. They came across the new world of digital products and passive income and mastered digital marketing (digital marketing is the KEY TO A SUCCESSFUL work from home -digital wealth academy course will cover EVERYTHIGN there is to know about mastering selling digital products and digital marketing! ​ read more about my story here Digital Marketing - and 4 quick steps to how it all works! One- PICK YOUR NICHE AND AUDIENCE Choose a profitable topic/area you’re passionate about (health, wealth, homeschooling conscious living, relationships, parenting etc), and a target audience you want to help.For us it was the homeschooling and alternative living/unschooling community - our audience being mostly teachers,parents and like minded (mostly women) who enjoy a alternative lifestyle. TWO- work out what you want to sell . Purchase a Done for you digital product that has PLR / MRR attached ,like our digital wealth course and commercial use products and/or find companies that have an affiliate program ,join and start promoting their products- make sure these companies make sense and resonate with the niche that you have chosen - there is many sites that have lists of affiliates in every niche ,including awin ( I use this for promoting Etsy products) , and amazon associates , even if you go onto a website you like and look to see if they have anywhere that says affiliates- good chance they do, as most businesses do these days( like our affiliate program here )OR YOU CAN CREATE a digital product from scratch using sites like canva, . This digital product should be the solution to your target audience’s problem, or something they feel they need. SO IT WILL SELL (for us it was affordable quality nature inspired teaching resources.) Three- Market your products - this is the MOST IMPORTANT STEP - and is what will make you successful. This is what you’ll spend most of the time doing in your business especially if you sell digital products or become an affiliate. Create content on social media to showcase your product or service you want people to buy and attract your ideal audience. To be successful this is something you need to master, Using sites like canva you can make stunning and visually appealing content, I also use free apps on my phone like capcut, to make my videos, and lightroom-adobe app to edit my photos (I use a preset that you upload to lightroom- I purchased of etsy that creates a certain tone/look on my photos ) . This year from learning how to master digital marketing- my profits for the last 4 months alone are more then what I made the whole of last year 2023 Jan-Dec, and its only almost May 2024! and its all thanks to a course I brought myself as a Christmas present ,that helps you learn EVERYTHING there is on digital marketing- that I am now sharing with all of you (and yes you may resell this course yourself and keep all the profits - forever) and lastly but just as important we come to number Four- COMMUNITY + BRAND awareness As you market your digital products, you should also focus on building your brand and community through your content. You want to create a community of loyal “fans”. You want your brand to have a theme/colour which is the same throughout, so you become recognisable, you want to build trust with your followers, as they are how you will earn money. Are you ready to embark on your new journey of owning your own online business reselling digital products and services that suit your unique niche? Are you ready to learn everything you would ever need to help you gain freedom of the 9-5, and live a life I know you so desperately want through learning and even reselling the digital wealth academy course, that is trusted by over 52k ? I say go for it. I did and it changed my whole families life. To believe in myself and think yes I am capable, learn more Buy now

  • Victoria Timetable | BarefootChild

    home school / Unschool Processo di registrazione in Questa è una guida per aiutarti a comprendere il processo di registrazione homeschool a Victoria - per Unschool è lo stesso processo Il Victoria è considerato uno stato facile per la registrazione homeschool, si richiede la registrazione solo una volta ​ Non è necessario inviare nuovamente un nuovo piano di apprendimento ogni anno, è semplice come inviare un'e-mail VRQA dicendo loro che desideri continuare a studiare a casa ogni anno per rimanere registrato Ti è permesso viaggiare e andare a scuola a casa, purché tu abbia un indirizzo di casa Vic a cui tornare Non ci sono visite domiciliari: la maggior parte delle comunicazioni con VRQA avviene tramite e-mail, Hanno modelli di piani di apprendimento da copiare: facile da compilare per il tuo piano di apprendimento Solo il 10% degli studenti iscritti a casa viene scelto un anno per la revisione dei campioni del piano di apprendimento - e questo può essere inviato anche via e-mail, se vieni scelto - sei esentato dalla revisione per altri 2 anni dopo Il dipartimento dell'istruzione del Victoria esclude l'apprendimento naturale / la non scolarizzazione come metodologia di apprendimento Può essere necessario fino a 1 mese per l'approvazione della registrazione homeschool in VIC, ma di solito molto meno Lo sapevate? ​ Il genitore invia il modulo di domanda a VRQA - (Autorità per la registrazione e le qualifiche vittoriane) - -L Domanda di registrazione per la scuola a domicilio Un modulo di domanda (sono consentiti fino a 2 bambini per domanda - se ne hai di più, devi compilare un altro modulo di domanda separato per loro) incluso con questo invii un ID che mostra che hai la responsabilità genitoriale e mostra il DOB del bambino - questo può provenire da una copia di una tessera medica, un certificato di nascita del bambino o una tessera sanitaria con il nome di te e del tuo bambino elencato, - è richiesto un documento d'identità per ogni bambino che stai studiando a casa Alleghi una copia del tuo piano di apprendimento - anche uno per ogni bambino che intendi frequentare a casa - tutto questo viene inviato via online/e-mail all'e-mail VRQA Solo il genitore/caregiver che intende fare l'homeschool deve firmare la domanda se è in vigore un'ingiunzione del tribunale ed è pari/condivisa cura quindi sono richieste le firme di entrambi i genitori - dovrai allegare l'ingiunzione del tribunale al applicazione: una delle seguenti è accettabile • un'ordinanza genitoriale • un'ordinanza di intervento • un'ordinanza di tutela dei minori (comunque descritta). Maggiori informazioni su come scrivere a Piano di apprendimento ​ Dopo aver inviato via e-mail tutti i documenti richiesti e il modulo di domanda di istruzione a domicilio, il dipartimento dell'istruzione esaminerà e deciderà se è completo o se richiedono ulteriori informazioni. possono volerci fino a 28 giorni prima che tu venga approvato come educatore domestico e ricevi il tuo certificato di registrazione. Si prevede che la maggior parte delle domande non richiederà 28 giorni per essere valutata. Per alcune applicazioni il processo di registrazione sarà molto rapido e per altre potrebbe richiedere più tempo, in particolare se la domanda iniziale è incompleta. Una volta che il VRQA avrà completato i tuoi documenti, ti avviserà dei tempi - via e-mail/per iscritto ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Di solito entro 28 giorni riceverai una notifica per iscritto (e-mail) che il tuo piano di apprendimento è stato approvato e sei un homeschooler registrato, - se la tua domanda è stata respinta, puoi chiedere di farla rivedere, o affrontare eventuali aree in sospeso di non -conformità e presentare una nuova domanda . Una volta che sei stato approvato, puoi contattare l'attuale principio scolastico di tuo figlio dicendo loro che sei registrato come educatore domestico e puoi legalmente ritirare tuo figlio dalla scuola. ​ Nel Victoria devi notificare al dipartimento VRQA ogni anno prima del 30 novembre notificando loro che intendi continuare a studiare a casa per il prossimo anno - lo fai scrivendo (e-mail) - di solito ti avviseranno in anticipo chiedendoti se stai continuando con homeschool (via e-mail), rispondendo a questo ti mantiene nella loro lista di registrazione - non dovrai inviare un altro piano di apprendimento per l'anno successivo. ​ Ogni anno il VRQA seleziona casualmente il 10% delle famiglie registrate in homeschool per una revisione - La revisione serve a verificare se stai fornendo un'istruzione regolare e tuo figlio sta imparando le 8 aree chiave di apprendimento (seguendo il tuo piano di apprendimento) - VRQA di solito ti avvisa per iscritto (e-mail) se sei una delle famiglie selezionate per la revisione intorno a febbraio, ma la revisione avrà luogo tra aprile - Ottobre. VRQA ti contatterà più vicino alla data di revisione da fare accordi preliminari. Il processo di revisione può essere elettronico, telefonico, faccia a faccia o, in alcuni casi, una combinazione di questi.-Spetta a te A causa del covid in corso, il metodo preferito dai VRQA è elettronico: puoi inviare tramite tuo figlio campioni di lavoro e altre prove del programma educativo di tuo figlio che viene consegnato/registrato tramite modulo pdf (e-mail) - subito dopo il completamento della revisione, VRQA ti avviserà del risultato Nota: 1 bambino per famiglia è selezionato solo per la revisione, se la tua famiglia è selezionato e la tua recensione ha superato tutta la tua famiglia è esentata dalla revisione per altri 2 anni ​ ​ ​ ​ Se desideri che tuo figlio venga istruito a casa dall'inizio dell'anno scolastico, devi registrarlo per l'istruzione a domicilio entro il 30 novembre dell'anno precedente. Se una domanda per l'istruzione a domicilio viene presentata in un determinato momento durante l'anno scolastico, tuo figlio deve rimanere iscritto e frequentare una scuola registrata fino a quando la VRQA non ti notifica l'approvazione della domanda di registrazione. NOTA: se tuo figlio ha bisogno di finire la scuola al più presto il VRQA afferma: - Se un bambino non è in grado di frequentare la scuola o ricevere istruzione durante il periodo di domanda a causa di malattia, stress, bullismo o altre difficoltà, incidente, evento imprevisto, causa inevitabile o obbligo di rispettare un'altra legge, questo potrebbe costituire una “ragionevole scusa” per frequentare la scuola. In questa situazione, i genitori dovrebbero sollevare le loro preoccupazioni con il preside e presentare la scusa per iscritto. i bambini di età compresa tra 6 e 17 anni possono beneficiare della registrazione all'homeschool - se tuo figlio compie 6 anni nell'anno dell'homeschool, sono idonei anche ti è permesso homeschool tuo figlio e fallo parzialmente iscrivere a una scuola puoi richiedere la registrazione iniziale della scuola domestica fino a 6 mesi prima di pianificare di iniziare a studiare a casa ​ ​

  • big mega bundle | BarefootChild

    Thankyou for downloading wildschool pack VOL 3 This pack is inspired by Reggio Emillia and forest school and like all our wild school range it is created to help entwine nature into children's education. Instructions All printables are to be printed on A4 size paper, cut around borders to form your flashcards/mats. Instructions are included on each pack. ( printing on a glossy thick cardstock works best for real photos) print flashcards/posters on thick cardstock or laminate for best result and durability. Nature craft loose part play flashcards- provocations You can learn more about this pack from here download now Ashley Jones Tech Lead Write a bio for each team member. Make it short and informative to keep your visitors engaged. 123-456-7890 Tess Brown Office Manager Write a bio for each team member. Make it short and informative to keep your visitors engaged. 123-456-7890 Lisa Rose Product Manager Write a bio for each team member. Make it short and informative to keep your visitors engaged. 123-456-7890

  • Our course | BarefootChild

    This course is truly becoming the TOP #1 online business course in the world. We are currently at 51k+ students worldwide,This course is helping beginners and moms just like YOU, who are learning how to break free from their 9-5 and gain the freedom to work from anywhere in the world using JUST their phone and social media,generating thousands a week in passive income! Hey there Mumma and welcome! My name is skye lee Here is a little bit about me, and why I started this journey to passive income and why I want to help you begin your journey to financial freedom to! Hey there Mumma, Im Skye-Lee - Most of you, will know I'm a homeschooling Mumma to three wildlings living our dream life on an island. I am also the main income provider for my family, and this was all only possible by learning how to sell digital products and services online to make PASSIVE INCOME with digital marketing. But it wasn't always like this. I became a mother when I was 18 and we were chasing after 3 before I was 21, we lived pay check to pay check, and I knew the struggles and stress of living on a very little income. Feeling fed up, of how our life's were heading and looking for an alternative approach to making money instead of the 9-5 as I wanted to remain by my children's sides , I started sourcing the internet and stumbled across the term PASSIVE INCOME, the more I dug into it, I knew this was the perfect business model for me... so I then spent the next few months , researching, creating and then my vision for barefootchild began... Fast forward back to today... I have an established and ever-growing online business that makes me money in my sleep ( this is what passive income is)- I upload my digital products once, and they then sell on autopilot forever. I also have about 5 other " passive income streams" - this business model generates me and my family enough to be able to live financially free- SO NOW , I desperately want to help every MOTHER AND WOMEN begin your journey to financial freedom to, so you can finally start your own online business making passive income,(yes even straight from your social media account) by creating done for you products ,and giving you the tools to learn how to start, grow and master your new online business and the tools I currently apply into my current business and that's all from this digital wealth academy course. This is the #1 digital marketing course that will help teach you everything from A-Z about starting, creating, growing and thriving your new online business empire. ( straight from your social media account) plus you can actually RESELL this course, in your new online business if you like as it comes with Master Resell rights,for $497usd and you keep 100% profits~ how great is that!! I have since started another new side hustle online business ( as this course showed me how easy it is to start a business from social media and link in bio tools within a few days,from start to finish) as I want to share my experience and help other mothers start their own online business earning passive income and become financial free! oh + My current online business has tripled in sales in half a year since applying techniques this course has taught me, so if you already have a little side hustle and need help with growth -just like I did then this course is a lifesaver!! or if your just someone wanted to get your foot in the door with digital marketing and passive income then this course is a done for you digital product ready for you to start reselling for $497 and is in HIGH DEMAND and trusted by currently 58k students,with thousands joining each month. I have also included lifetime access to my current and future commercial use products that you can resell as your own and this course comes with 7 other MRR products you can sell - so you can start your own online store with a week, as I want you to succeed. THIS COURSE HAS REALLY CHANGED MY LIFE, and now I want it to help change yours to! Honestly if I can do it, then you CAN TO! Whether you're a Mumma feeling lost and wanting to learn how to start your own online business from scratch, a small business looking to succeed, a burnt out teacher looking for ways to make extra income, selling your lessons online in your own store or a free spirit like me, needing a work life ,you can balance with your wandering soul , then this course will HELP you achieve financial freedom, build your own brand and finally quit your 9-5! ​ This course has 58k and counting mothers, fathers and people with zero experience just like you, learning how to BECOME THEIR OWN BOSS, learning how to set up their new online business on autopilot so they can begin to make money in their sleep. This Digital Wealth course will teach you How to create and start selling digital products straight from your social media accounts,with your own store that you can have setup in 1-3days, depending on which model you choose to use. Pick your niche and build YOUR BRAND How to master digital marketing ( the most important thing to any business and what makes people buy your products) How to create digital products to sell, reels, posts, marketing materials, and video editing techniques to sell your products for your social media This course ALLOWS YOU TO RESELL IT as your own forever for $497usd each time and keep 100% from each sale - as it comes with MRR ( now this is a great passive income stream INSTANTLY) - reselling is optional This course also comes with 7 other done for you digital products that you can also resell as your own for 100% profit as they to come with MRR ( these retail between $20-$80 each)- reselling is optional PLUS as we so desperately want to see you succeed, with every purchase you get LIFETIME access to all my current and future COMMERCIAL USE products, that you may resell as your own for 100% profit This course teaches you how to master each social media platform- for growth, so you can reach audiences around the world who will buy your products. AND SO MUCH MORE.. More on my story 52k+ students and counting-. A strong community within the course. From all walks of life, making their dreams a realty. For the complete new beginner to the advance business owner.This course is self paced, and easy to follow along with video modules. A done for you product you can resell as your own for a minimum of $497usd each time and keep 100% profits. Plus 7+ other products for commercial use. Complete A-z to help you learn how to start,launch,grow and scale your online business for success, using social media and digital marketing proven techniques, taught by experts in each field. what does this course offer you? Im so glad you asked! 01 You learn everything you need to start your online business today,all in one place! This course covers everything from A-Z, on HOW TO START YOU ONLINE BUISNESS STRAIGHT FROM YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT, selling done for you digital products and services! It helps teach you how to Master online marketing ,allowing you to work from home, travel when you like, all from your iphone and social media,a couple of hours a day, once you have all your systems in place! With over 40+ modules ,it has you covered on the most essential tools and information you need to be able to learn,start,grow and scale your new online business all taught by experts in each field making sure you can earn MAX PROFITS. 03 A real community of likeminded individuals. This course has a community of over 52k students and continues to GROW every week ,from all walks of life, Individuals and complete newbies who wanted to also quit their 9-5, build their own online brand and are killing the digital marketing biz, some are making over 20k a month !!This course gives you access to 6 different languages within the course.You can meet and message like minded individuals and mammas just like you, to share tips, inspiration, questions and seek help along your journey. There are weekly community zoom calls you can join,with the hosts and other students, we are about to see the new launch of a podcast within the course, aswell as tech support. 02 We allow you to resell this course and keep 100% profits! As we want you to succeed in your new business, this course comes with MRR- allowing you to resell this course as YOUR OWN and keep 100% profits each time, forever! (This course sells for a minimum of $497usd!!) Oh and we have also included 7 done for you digital guides, that also come with MRR, that you can also resell for 100% profits + everyone who purchases the digital wealth academy course gets lifetime access to our exclusive PLR vault-allowing you to resell every current and FUTURE product in there as your own for 100% profits as an added bonus! So you can get started sooner selling done for you products IN HIGH DEMAND! Our course even shows you how to create your won digital product 04 You get what you pay for and more! This course comes with 100% profit resell rights, there is NO upsells, NO commissions, and no other fees EVER. One payment of $497usd and thats all! You get access to the course and bonus's plus any future course updates, NEW modules ( we just had 4 newbies last month launch inside the course) and Future Plr/Mrr products, for FREE. You even get new marketing material each fortnight that is done for you , that you can use on your social media accounts if you choose to resell the course or plr products!You have complete ownership of your store, customers and the sky really is the limit as to how much profit you can make yourself within digital marketing. Buy Now now lets think about this! Instead of going out and spending hundreds on a new piece of furniture, for it to just sit in your living room until it becomes out of style,or spending hundreds on buy now, pay later "little luxuries -that wont truly make you happy, no longer then a few days, until you decide its out of fashion" You should instead t hink about spending that money on investing in yourself , now that will never get old. Think about Spending your money on something that will give something back! and that is YOUR LIFE, learning how to break free from the 9-5! ​ NOW LETS IMAGINE... You buy this course for $497usd, learn EVERYTHING ABOUT STARTING YOUR NEW ONLINE BUSINESS creating and selling done for you digital products, you learn the best ways to make people want to buy what you are selling, through marketing techniques,story telling and digital marketing tactics.You learn how to grow and scale your brand,build loyal following,master every social media platform you want to work with,you learn everything from photo and video editing,email campaigns and SO MUCH MORE, all from the comfort of your home and iphone. ​ You decide on your "niche" ,decide if your going to have a faceless business (this is what I have, meaning I don't show my face,my business is private from my personal life :) or you can choose to rock it and make yourself known alongside your business like many influencers, next you want to choose a catchy business name,and begin to launch your new online store, that takes less then a few hours to setup (depending on the method you use- I highly recommend STAN STORE-quickest and simplest method to start selling digital products asap(you can also grow and change it up down the line if you want)- this store then connects to your social media accounts as a link in bio on your profile ) the course covers 4 different options to creating your online store with step by step videos. - You then upload this course for sale for $497 the 7+ done for you digital products you can also resell as your own IF YOU WANT- these sell anywhere between $20-$70usd each, and maybe some other digital products you created yourself to your new store.The courses also teaches you step by step on how to do all this. ​ Next you create some posts and reels for your social media accounts, telling your followers/the world about your new product and make them "want to purchase it",by going to your link in bio!! the course teaches you THE BEST and proven ways to succeed at this aswell, and how to create marketing materials and all things viral and to get you noticed. ​ - You use all your newfound knowledge on how to master digital marketing with your posts etc and you then get your first customer and sale,simply from those social media posts and by that person going to your link in bio ( and because its all digital products, you don't even need to send anything to your customer-your new online store will send your customer the pdf file contain the course and/or your digital products automatically, and you won't even need to reupload it each time it sells back onto your store ,because the beauty of digital products is you only ever need to create and upload them ONCE, and everything else works on autopilot- creating you passive income!! *cha ching, your $497 invest is made back!!- NOW the real fun begins and its all profits and passive income from here on, this is a much better way of spending money then buying some furniture isn't it;) ​ So by now, You have learnt everything on how to be a master at digital marketing (selling to your audience/followers on social media) and have your new online store setup on automations, so from now on you all you have to do is work on growing your new "brand and business and scaling it" meaning you send out a few more posts,content and emails each day,to make your audience want your products, the sky is the limit when it comes to your potential! and you will never get use to the feeling of waking up to check your phones notifications and seeing the sales you made while you were sleeping , all thanks to passive income and digital marketing!! Our DIGITAL WEALTH ACADAMY COURSE- will teach you all this and just how easy it can be to reach your dreams.​ Start Now dont just take our word for it Hear what other students and mothers are saying, who were complete newbies in digital marketing and have started their own online business, from this course. This is just what some of the thousands of happy customers from this year 2024 have to say. This is everything you will get today for one time payment of $497 1 10k soon! Hi guys, I really can`t believe this, but I am so close hitting my first 10K with Digital Marketing. I started 9 weeks ago and I never thought I would earn so much much money in such a short time - believe in yourself and hold on ! 🥳🚀 -Lilly Pach - @misslillyangelina 4 I should be able to quit my job soon 100k + in 6 months Digital marketing has changed my life in the past 6 months! I honestly can’t believe this is happening to me. Trying to hold it in at work & yet I’m just trying to soak it all in while making passive income. All I can say is thank you God! 😭🙏🏼😮‍💨🍾 6 13 days in!! ​ UPDATE: I have made $700 from my own $10 digital guide in just 13 days of starting!! I gained almost 600 followers and started from 0!! This stuff works guys! If you are struggling to make sales DM me on IG I will give you my tips for selling as a small account and starting with low ticket products!!🤍 :) @athenahustles 9 biz growth I just want to say I am SO grateful to Rachell and Daniella! DWA has been such a game changer for me. I've been trying to understand how to run an online biz since 2019, unsuccessfully. I became certified as a master practitioner of NLP and Hypnosis and coached, grew and Instagram to almost 3,000 followers but had no idea how to do anything with it, how to brand, how to sell, how to convert leads. I was making no money and I was so frustrated and lost on what to do. Then I bought DWA and learned how to sell the course but even better how to market online and how to make my own product. I created a Digital Marketing Success Hypnosis for all of us on this journey to help with limiting beliefs and blocks and have already sold some on launch day!!!! I would have NEVER been able to do this without DWA! Thank you Thank you!!! My insta is @YourFacelessHustle if anyone wants to connect!! 2 Top marketing advice inside DWA I have taken what I learned from DWA and now posting for my Chiropractic Business I have gained 10 new patients weekly from the content I have been posting. =) The content I have been posting is getting more views than the marketing agency we had used. ! 🥳🚀 Rebecca Yaun- @rebecca-yaun-8611 5 Single mom here. I’m a single mom to 2 toddlers. I started this journey about 9 months ago. Now I’m making 4 figures a month from digital products! This week alone i made a $497 DWA sale & launched my Faceless mini duo playbook and just made 2 sales ! Don’t underestimate the power of selling low priced digital products. Follow me on IG 7 stay at home mom I'm three months into my journey and am happy to say that I've made $4,238 USD so far! I am a SAHM and only get to work in the evenings. I can't believe this is working SO WELL! In the past 14 days I was hardly working, we went to a family vacation in Italy, I took some time to recharge and we had a family wedding weekend. Still, I've made $1012 USD without even posting for days!!! 🤩 10 $19k as a stay at home mom Since starting digital marketing and MRR courses I’ve made a little over $19,000 with only 1800 followers!! This has been life changing & excited to see my journey continue to grow . @_dreambigwkiana 3 I literally had an EPIPHANY!🤯 I am on track to hit $35K in my last 4 months Moving towards 5000 Incredible Followers Over 50 Amazing people i have been able to help start or grow their business.. I do NOT say this lightly. It has been insanely life changing to take action & go all in on this digital marketing journey & i am unbelievably grateful 🙏 Invest in yourself, take action on your goals & don’t quit moving forward toward the potential that is absolutely possible for each & every one of you I want to show you that this opportunity is real. I've been on this journey for 7 months now, and trust me, the first three months were tough with little growth and no sales. But now I cannot believe this is my life. Let's Connect ❣️ 8 $80k in 5 months After purchasing the course 5 months ago I’ve reached a new milestone …… 80k ! Words cannot even describe how I’m feeling at this very moment. If it wasn’t for me starting digital marketing 5+ months ago I honestly feel like I would still be drowning in debt. After watching for over a month it was no longer a coincidence. I knew that this had to be something that I couldn’t no longer let slip by. For the past 5 months I was able to clear my hubbys debt, buy him a car, pay off my credit cards and have my bills back on auto pay. I’ve been able to help my family out more. The goal is continue to help others while clearing my own debt in the process. Yes, at first I was scared but now it just feels like a breath of fresh air! I hope everyone gets to experience something like this for theirselves. Everyone’s journey is different and although at times I wanted to compare, you just can’t because this is my story and my journey my IG @businesswithsteph247 🦋 1 the digital wealth academy digital marketing course. 2 3 You will receive a high demand top rated digital marketing course, that comes with MRR, and sells for $497!. There are currently 40+ modules and new ones continue to be added to the course for free, each module contains many videos with step by step instructions and information from experts in each field.Truly making this the one stop course for all your online business and digital marketing needs. ​ MODULE 1: Start Here MODULE 2:Mindset MODULE 3: Digital Marketing Basics MODULE 4: The foundation - MODULE 5: Setting Up your biz on Stan store OPTION 1 MODULE 6: Setting up with system io OPTION2 MODULE 7: Setting up funnels OPTION3 MODULE 8:Setting up with beacons OPTION4 MODULE 9: Email Marketing MODULE 10: MRR Masterclass MODULE 11: The pre Launch MODULE 12: All things branding MODULE 13: Building Trust with your audience MODULE 14: Attraction Marketing MODULE 15: Selling in stories MODULE 16: Selling in DMs MODULE 17: Faceless wealth MODULE 18:Digital marketing for men MODULE 19: navigating instragram MODULE 20:Everything reels MODULE 21: Content creation MODULE 22: Canva essentials (learn how to use canva the number 1 platform to create marketing with) MODULE 23: Capcut editing ( learn how to make videos and reels) MODULE 24: Lets talk tiktok (learn how to succeed with your business by marketing with tiktok) MODULE 25: Lets talk Pinterest (learn how to use and succeed using pinterest) MODULE 26: THE CONTENT VAULT- this is done for you marketing materials, updated regularly so you can easily promote the course with. MODULE 27: PLR VAULT- 7 done for you guides that you can resell as your own for 100% profit- kick starting your new online business- MODULE 28: 111 Free Ebook Ideas MODULE 29: Digital product guide (learn how to make your own digital products to resell using canva) MODULE 30: Affiliate marketing MODULE 31: full business automations guide (learn how to optimise your store, on autopilot helping you make passive income) MODULE 32: Mainting momentum and loyal customers MODULE 33: Selling on facebook MODULE 34: Mens branding essentials MODULE 35: Monetarising mentorship(learn how you can make money by mentoring online ) MODULE 36: Sales mastery Module 37: legally protect your business THE COURSE COMES IN Module 38: SPANISH MODULE Module 38: FRANCH MODULE Module 38: ITALIAN MODULE Module 39: GERMAN MODULE Module 40: PORTUGUESE MODULE ​ bonus - A ONLINE COMMUNITY within the course hosted on skool that has over 52k students, there to help answer any questions, provide support and testimonies to help you along your journey to financial freedom. -TECH SUPPORT -weekly live group calls/chats -optional - past calls even have their own module. -podcast- COMING SOON-here from different influencers in digital marketing who are killing it -FAQ section - LIFETIME ACCESS to any updates, new modules, plr products and more at no extra cost. -RESELL THIS COURSE AS YOUR OWN, a minimum of $497 legally for 100% profits as it comes with MRR ​ Buy once, learn& resell forever Let's talk about this course and its offer because it's a game-changer, and guess what? There are absolutely NO hidden agendas here! I WANT YOU TO SUCCEED AND be free of the system! You make the purchase, and this course is all yours, no strings attached. In fact, you can even resell this exact course for a minimum of $497usd and watch your investment come back to you instantly. The brilliant minds behind this course designed it with the intention of ZERO surprises. That means no upsells, no "downline" schemes, and certainly no commissions where you only get a fraction of what you sell. You keep a full 100% of your sales.This course is yours to setup and resell as your own! While You learn EVERYTHING about starting an online business, how to monetarize your social media and make the most of our ever change world that is becoming more digital.EARN while you LEARN I want this! What is Master resell rights?( MRR) Here is everything you're going to get access to immediately The Digital wealth Acadamy course is a comprehensive business, marketing, and automation course THAT YOU CAN resell AND KEEP 100% PROFITS- with over 40 in-depth, easy to follow MODULES containing many video lessons within each module making it even easier to navigate. This is the one thing I LOVED MOST. That I could actually understand it, and I was NOT overwhelmed. This course is made with a beginner in mind, but is of high value to seasoned entrepreneurs and business owners -so believe me when I say just how much this course has HELPED me increase my drive in sales this year alone and all the ways that I have been able to generate passive income from other streams ,that I had no idea existed before this course- aka using my social media account to make sales, that I can create automative emails, that I could have started my online business in a FEW DAYS instead of months(like it took me),simply by using stan store and my social media!!. I have been learning so much, that I know people who pay 10s of thousands in tuition to learn in business school! ​ A little break down of what you will get ​ Complete ownership of DIGITAL WEALTH COURSE - An already done-for-you course in high demand ,over51k+ students& ready to be resold over and over again for $497usd for 100% profit! Containing over 35+ modules, that contain over 200 videos, with hours of indepth training!! Everything to learn to start your own online business (EVEN IF ITS STRAIGHT from only your social media account),Master the world of digital marketing- this is the MOST IMPORTANT THING in any business, creating your own brand, digital products, automative systems and so much more, all taught by online videos by top influencers in that category who make 7+ figures Optional weekly live coaching calls, live content audits, and additional online business trainings, by the digital wealth team PLUS NEW podcast from some top sellers! Lifetime access to ongoing course updates & community support groups.New modules are always being added, at no extra cost to you, this month we have had 4 brand new modules included within the course, how great is that! This course is ever growing, so you will receive the absolute MAX business marketing opportunities FOREVER. Available in SIX different languages - You will have access to the entire course in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese & German Access to the exclusive community of over 52,000+ members, who are there to help you every step of the way, answering questions, giving support and encouragement along your journey to online wealth! Learn how to easily create and sell digital products so you can make passive income effortlessly, even from your social media,using canva. Plus 7+ done for you digital products that come with the course that include PLR- allowing you to rebrand and resell for 100% profits as your own ( these alone are valued at over $200) if you choose- helping you kick start your new online business faster with done for you products!- and free access to any future additions. Done for you marketing material if you choose to resell the course,saving you time and effort! plus exclusive access to our PLR vault ( these are our products we create that you can resell as 100% your own in our commercial use category)- you will have access to all CURRENT and FUTURE products for free- where you can resell all the products in there as your own, helping you on your journey faster.. Plus my 100% support and help in answering ANY of your questions- simply email me at and I will reply asap :) Buy now Are you ready mumma? Its time to take the chance, make the change and believe in yourself, Its time for you to break free, and start knowing what financial freedom is, it's time for you to build your empire, your brand, your legacy.We as mothers are unstoppable, we are wild and we are untamed. Invest in yourself with our digital wealth academy course and begin to LIVE. Start Now

  • nature vocabulary flash cards | BarefootChild

    32 nature inspired flash cards download pdf 1 download pdf 2 you can either download the 2 files seperatly or the 1 big pdf file ( 84mb ) both 1 and 2 pdf together This listing is for our reggio emillia inspire NATURE VOCABULARY identification flash cards digital download set. the set is called - what I might find out in nature. 🌳🌱✨🌻 There is a total of 32 flashcards to be cut out.Each flashcard is of a real photograph of a element you might find out in nature. Let your little one explore out amongst nature and try point out the various pitures.Let their vocabulary expand using nature as the teacher or you can simply use these cards on your nature tables or as a addition to your natural learning resources.🌿 If you follow us on our instagram or facebook you will understand how important nature is for my unschooling children and how much natural learning nature has provided us-hence the reason behind this nature vocabulary flash cards- my children love exploring and identifying nature finds. About the printable:🌻 set is to be printed on standard A4 size paper ( high gloss/thick card stock or photo a4 paper works best and brings out the quality better as these are real photographs) once printed simply cut out the flashcards there are 4 flash cards per a4 paper- with round edges for a more natural look cards sizes are around 8.5cm wide x 12.7cm Long ​ IF YOU NEED ANY HELP with download please let me know. ​ the 32 nature images on flash cards are: leaf🌿 stick stone grass shell🐚 feather bark moss pine cone nut seed pod flower🌻 acorn log dandelion dirt seed vine mud water💦 mushroom🍄 berries sand lichen tree🌲 rainbow🌈 cloud bird nest waterfall river stream mountain⛰️ While your here, dont forget to check out our free learning printables free printables

  • A-z animal flash cards | BarefootChild

    A-Z ANIMAL letter and number flash card pack download now Check out our free printables while your here free printables charlotte mason 5-10 count download now

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