To support America's small buisness saturday and to show our support for some of our favourite nature inspired small shops, we thought what better way then to create a blog post, highlighting why you should consider buying from small buisness's and our gift guide of our favourite nature inspired gifts and resources from these small business's for your wildchild, wildschool or that special little wildling.
Why shop small?
As a small buisness ourselves , we love to support other small and handmade buisness's too. because what better way to spend your money on something that you know has been created with love, to know that the gift your purchasing has had a journey,to know that it kinda has soul of its on,to know that the gift you are purchasing was created for a purpose and the purpose being the small shop owners dream and passion. You wount find that at a supermarket giant! - most small buisness's are working towards a greener future,finding ways to create ,pack and ship their items with more sustaniable and eco friendly resources,this isnt always a cheaper option for us ,but more and more small buisness's are working towards these goals, most are mums like you and me wanting a better future for our children. You wount find that at a supermarket giant! To support small buisness's you know that every dollar we earn, we appreciate and means the world to us, its what keeps us going,pushing through the hard times,helping us continue our dreams while supporting our families. By supporting small buisness's know that when your giving your money to them, your money isnt going straight into the pockets for more mass produced items,items with no real purpose other then being created for profit, created from a machine with no love ,no sweat and tears poured into its creations,before handing your money over to these supermarket giants, give us little guys a chance first :)

What is etsy?
If your looking to start supporting and buying from small businesses, then you need to take a look out our favourite handmade small business marketplace ETSY!
We love etsy, We sell on etsy,We buy from etsy,We find inspiration from etsy!
If you havent heard about etsy yet, Etsy is a global marketplace for unique and creative goods. It’s home to a universe of special, handmade items, from unique handcrafted pieces,customersied gifts,printables to vintage treasures and peices you wont find anywhere else. We are a community of sellers who are trying to turn our ideas and passions into successful small businesses.We are real people,driven by one goal, YOU!
A few other reasons we love etsy
1)- Etsy have a purchase protect program, they have you covered!
2)Etsy sells worldwide,234 countries to be exact + each product will be converted and shown in YOUR CURRENCY, no more googling currency converter calculator!
3) Etsy lets you talk directly to your small buisness owner,making enquires easy, so if your after a customerise peice or have a special request, its easy to just ask!
4) Etsy have a range of payment options from direct debit,paypal to payment instalments and so much more!
5) Did we mention , how beautiful and unique some of these creative small buisness's are?
Gift ideas that are wholesome and nature inspired for you wildchild

Lets take a look at
A list of our favourite nature inspired gift ideas for your wildling!
This list contains Affiliate links, by making a purchase from one of them you are helping support our small buisness to.
-Gift ideas for the Naturalist
( click on each image and it will take you to the small shop)
Forager bag with your childs custom name included ,perfect for little wildlings by small shop wherewildlingsroam
2. Fire flint starter with your childs own name included, perfect for teaching bushcraft skills by small shop TOMImomoDesign
3 Wooden slingshot with your childs own name engraved included, both my boys have these! - by small shop ZagannGifts
4 Kids knife , perfect for teaching bushcrafts skills, by small shop woodcarvingtools
5 Hand drill perfect for widlings who want learn woodworking and building skills by small shop ImpalaWoodCo
6. Opinel folding saw , a must have for nature loving kids by small shop crackedbox
7 . Fort cable car/pulley with childs name engraved by small shop letteroom
8.Wooden bug box viewer with yours name engraved by small shop Atimberheart
Kids whittling knife , perfect for forest schools,practising bush craft and wood carving for your wild one, by small shop woodcarvingtools
Our BarefootChild foraging basket
Recyled cotton and hand dyed forest school bag,perfect for adventures or books plus this beautiful bag can include your childs name on it by small shop Myhollyhouse
Complete seed starter vegetable kit by small shop by Greencollectiveco
Gift ideas for the wild artist and reader
Nature resin book mark,with your choice of name on pakaging making it a perfect gift by small shop TowardsNature
Personilised childs tree book, add your child name and the story becomes about them book , plus this lovely shop plants a tree in your child honour with a map included on the back of your book for your child to locate their tree, how cute is that! by small shop Letterfest
Let nature be your teacher book , ( Do we need to say more) by small shop DreamStarDragonfly
Handmade book sleeve, perfect for you little wildling to keep their books safe and protected by small shop LullabycraftsShop
Book shelf with your childs name engraved by small shop ChildUniverse
Eco and natural paints perfect for your little nature artist by small shop EcoCrayonStore
Vegan based handmade crayons by small shop BohemianRasperryArt
Beautiful holders to store your little artists stockmar crayons( this shop has some of the best holders )by small shop Threewoodshop
This is another beautiful holder by small shop Threewoodshop , this holder is perfect and comes with the option of jars to store your little artists paints,pencils or paintbrushes in.
On the go mini travel artist paint case by small shop WoodenWatercolourBox
Nature resined paint palette by small shop EtheralSpark
10 colour twig pencils , perfect for you nature artist by small shop HippyDashery
Paint brush holder with childs name engraved by small shop FireEarthDesign
Ceremaic Paint brush rest by small shop Madeinaflame
Pencil wrap holder with childs personilised name,perfect to take on your trips for your little artist to easily carry and keep pencils organised by small shop SewSofia
Leather drawing sketchbook carrycase by small shop MurielWorkshop
Gift Ideas for the curious and crafty child
Wooden magnifying glass, this can be customersise with your childs name included on it PLUS this comes with a beautiiful leather case to store it in that can ALSO include your childs name by small shop LetusPersonilised
Kids "paydirt" kit - this awsome pack comes with 450g of REAL gemstones in sand ready for your curious child to dig and mine by small shop Rockrivermining
Kids beaver carving kit - perfect for children who enjoy woodworking by small shop woodcarvingtools
Diy pottery mug kit by small shop Artbybozza
Our BarefootChild resin specimens make the perfects hands on resource for the curious child
Butterfly enclosure , perfect for your curious child to observe the lifecycle of a butterfly by small shop 3 beesoriginals
Childs apothecary sensory play ,potion kit by small shop ThechildsApothecary
Wild forest potion fizz play set ,perfect for hans on science by small shop Littlehandsandnature
Wild adventure potion kit with potion recipe cards by small shop littlepotionco
Coconut water spoon, perfect for mud kitchen play by small shop globalgumnuts
Bamboo channel set , perfect for open ended wild play by small shop Greysonandcotoys
Beautiful indoor playstand , this playstand will bring hours of play to your playroom this small shop AllwoodenBiz is based in Ukarine and have some of the most amazing waldorf inspred stands.
We will continue to add to this list.
lets support the small guys