How we Provide Unschooling Learning resources
As a Unschooling mum, when ever my children spark new curiosity's I know that they are passionate about, I take every opportunity to provide the "resources" and give them hands on opportunities as much as possible.Thats how unschooling works, children become curious and when they have curiosity of something that they truly love and enjoy they want to soak up as much information for the subject they can,so as a Unschooling parent you help provide them with the necessary tools.
So last year my eldest son 8 was very passionate about gemstones and crystals
( he still is )

We furthered his curiosity by using toys and tools
To help further his learning path for this passion we gave him the "resources," to help "teach" and "educate" him in geology over the year .So for birthday and Christmas presents he received a gemstone tumbler he absolutely loved using this .He would constantly be looking for special rocks whenever we were out - to smooth and polish in it .My boys love real tools, so we knew he would love a multi tool - that sand, polishes ,cuts -it does EVERYTHING - and oh does he ever ! - he uses this all of the time to polish and shine his "rocks and gems he finds and collects, He also received various gemstone dig kits ,crystals and a grow your own crystal kits.( they all came with information and gem facts , that he read and learnt more about) See by providing these resources, he is covering many science,& geography topics,(learning about rocks,/gems /crystals - how they form, the feel , how to identify, how and why they grow ,the history and how people value them etc.
He is also covering technology ,english and even maths topics - from using hands on "tools and machines , following a process ,reading instructions, information books ,discussing the price gems are worth, and lots LOTS more..

We furthered his curiosity by using nature
What better way to learn about gems and geology then using nature as a "resource "
having a real go ourselves, Last year, and still to this day -we go adventure to different spots trying our luck at finding our own crystals and gemstones,- My son received a gold sifter set and gold pan that he got of his grandma for his birthday , so we take that and have turns. Before we go ,we will google spots online that are " gems spots" , we discuss these together.
and to my shock we get lucky sometimes . My son has been able to find lots of amethysts, clear quartz crystals and a few other little gems himself which he gets very excited about.He loves observing them, cleaning and have open discussions about them.
He also received a metal detector for Christmas (this is the 2nd one as his first one a year ago was left in the rain!) - so whenever we are out and about , He gets this out to have a look for any - treasures and gold. He hasn't found either yet but his found some bullet shells, old metal and other random things.Throughout the year he has added to his "geologist" collection with his own pic axe, magnifying glass ,spray bottle,and specimen contains
He has been lucky to find lots of purple amethysts and clear quartz
We furthered his curiosity by using tourist attractions
Last year he went to a museum with his grandma and siblings - where he was able to see and learn about all different crystal,gems and minerals, He got to see first hand the huge variety of different specimens there is out there waiting to be found. We have been able to visit a old silver mining town where we discussed how the old timers mined and He visited a gem shop where he was able to talk with the geologist in there who finds thousands of dollars worth of crystals, gems and fossils.( he brought himself a real old shark tooth fossil with his own pocket money ) and this year we are planning to visit a huge gem fest show that happens in Tassie!

Unschooling - really is Natural learning
Its crazy how much learning - or should i say " natural learning " goes on from allowing your child to follow their curiosity while providing them with the resources and tools needed to pursue those passions. Its a whole family learning side by side, experience.We are all in it together. Covering each subject Naturally.
