在 BarefootChild,我们相信每个人都应该有机会获得美丽的学习资源,所以我们创造了美妙的审美针表, 对每个人都是免费的,以大自然为灵感。

mini sea turtle unit
Join our mailing list to download our mini sea turtle learning pack for free
Free nature inspired printables
We try our hardest to create affordable high-quality resources for every family to enjoy. All printables below are free, and for personal use only,not for resale. We ask if you share these freebies please attach link back to our store-www.barefootchild.info or tag us on insta @embracethewildling :)
About the printables
All printables are to be printed on A4 size paper, cut around any borders for flashcards.
simply click on image to download and save to your device.
Dont forget to check out our other featured freebies

We have been adding our new printables over to our featured printable page, as we will be slowly intergrating this page as one.
7 page learning emotion bundle
9 insect memory match game cards
24 mini sea animal flash cards
cut out to form round edge 10 frame mat, add the number you want to teach in the upper right corner
x4 farmer sight word sheets
33 mini describe the picture game flash cards
turkey anatomy 2 part Montessori cards and poster
planets 2 part Montessori cards and poster
water cycle fill in blank worksheet plus poster
love our freebies?
Donating as little as $1 allows us to continue to offer affordable and free learning resources to EVERY family and teacher, no matter of their income, on a weekly and monthly base :)
whimsical pretend play, simply cut around each character to create prop
for personal use only - NOT FOR RESALE
Shop our range of wildschool printables
在 BarefootChild,我们相信每个人都应该有机会获得美丽的学习资源,所以我们创造了美妙的审美针表, 对每个人都是免费的,以大自然为灵感。