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This nature study and lesson planner was created  to help you get organised

and plan out your studies and lessons this season.


whats included -10 pages 

-NATURE STUDY PLANNING and lesson planning PAGES

-front cover planner page
-yearly overview page
-monthly overview pages
-week at a glance page
daily planner
-unit study planning page
-weekly lesson planning page



Each page is made to be printed multiple times for daily, weekly and

monthly use. Each page is to be printed on A4 paper,

HOWEVER - you can simply adjust the printing option when you go to print

your journal to print on any size paper.

Before printing , select your paper size you are printing from and select fit to
printable area or fit to page size , this should make the pages fit to your

chosen paper! (this is usually located where you can select to print in colour or black and


You can use thick cardstock for the cover,

You can either punch holes and add rope, staple or put in a binder

to create your planner.

Lesson planner + nature study planner

AU$1.90 一般價格


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